11/10/2021 [-]
Human-size ammonites swam the Atlantic Ocean 80 million years ago
11/04/2021 [-]
STUDY 28 million years of life lost...
11/03/2021 [-]
Giant shark, possibly a megalodon, feasted on this whale 15 million years ago
10/26/2021 [-]
Wildfires burned Antarctica 75 million years ago, charcoal remnants reveal
10/06/2021 [-]
These 125 million-year-old fossils may hold dinosaur DNA
10/01/2021 [-]
After 3.5 million-year hiatus, the largest comet ever discovered is headed our way
09/27/2021 [-]
Koala-hunting eagle terrorized Australia 25 million years ago
09/15/2021 [-]
99 million-year-old spider mummies reveal moms cared for teeny spiderlings
09/01/2021 [-]
'Not in a million years would I go on Bigg Boss'
08/26/2021 [-]
Rachel Mad-Dough Is MSNBC Host Worth Million Year Without Nightly Show?
08/14/2021 [-]
49 million-year-old beetle looks like it was squashed yesterday
07/29/2021 [-]
Perfectly preserved 310-million-year-old fossilized brain found
07/21/2021 [-]
Tiny ancient reptile named after Thor’s world-ending nemesis
06/24/2021 [-]
Baby dinosaurs hatched in the Arctic 70 million years ago
06/22/2021 [-]
Earth has a 'pulse' of 27.5 million years
06/09/2021 [-]
Carbon Dioxide Reaches Highest Level In 4 Million Years
06/03/2021 [-]
Mysterious event nearly wiped out sharks 19 million years ago
04/23/2021 [-]
Astronomers map asteroid's 22 million-year journey to Earth...
04/22/2021 [-]
300 million-year-old 'Godzilla shark' identified as new species, gets a new name
04/09/2021 [-]
Carbon Dioxide Levels Reach 3.6 Million-Year High
03/30/2021 [-]
500 million-year-old fossil is the granddaddy of all cephalopods
03/23/2021 [-]
Genes of 500 million-year-old sea monsters live inside us
03/19/2021 [-]
'Winged' eagle shark soared through oceans 93 million years ago
03/03/2021 [-]
Hong Kong House Costs Record Million Year to Rent!
02/18/2021 [-]
At least 20 million years of life have been lost to COVID-19, study suggests
02/17/2021 [-]
Oldest sequenced DNA belonged to 1 million-year-old mystery mammoth
01/21/2021 [-]
'Old murderer' bug died 50 million years ago, fossilized with its penis intact
01/21/2021 [-]
This 480 million-year-old creature is the ancestor of all starfish
11/26/2020 [-]
Dinosaur footprint fossil sheds new light on 195-million-year-old ecosystem
11/10/2020 [-]
2-million-year-old skull of human 'cousin' unearthed...
09/18/2020 [-]
Replica of 130-million-year-old dinosaur pokes its neck out after months of work
09/02/2020 [-]
Meteor crater discovered that could be five times bigger than Wolfe Creek Crater
08/04/2020 [-]
76-million-year-old dinosaur diagnosed with bone cancer
07/28/2020 [-]
Scientists revive microbes from 100 million years ago...
07/13/2020 [-]
'Think Pompeii' How Brisbane's tuff stuff formed 226 million years ago
07/09/2020 [-]
A dental plan that's 400 million years old
07/07/2020 [-]
Fossil of giant 70 million year-old fish found in Argentina
07/05/2020 [-]
Digital dinosaurs bring 130-million-year-old tracks back to the future
07/01/2020 [-]
55-million-year-old frog and bat fossils to help revive struggling Queensland town
04/02/2020 [-]
40 million years ago these flies started mating. They never stopped
03/11/2020 [-]
Ancient clam fossil reveals Earth's day was shorter 70 million years ago
02/26/2020 [-]
15-million-year-old crater on Earth reveals clues about Mars' watery past
02/07/2020 [-]
'Bonecrushing' crocodile roamed Earth 230 million years ago
01/15/2020 [-]
Typical NYC hospital CEO earns more than million a year
11/22/2019 [-]
The 500-million-year journey from Antarctica for WA's lucrative mineral sands
11/21/2019 [-]
Snakes had back legs for 70 million years before losing them
10/08/2019 [-]
The Milky Way's history is less boring than we thought
10/07/2019 [-]
Early Earthlings May Have Watched the Galaxy's Center Explode 3.5 Million Years Ago
10/04/2019 [-]
This Bizarre, Eel-Like Shark Prowled the Oceans 350 Million Years Ago
09/23/2019 [-]
Scientists unveil drill that will extract 1 million-year-old ice core
09/19/2019 [-]
Asteroid Dust Triggered an Explosion of Life on Earth 466 Million Years Ago
09/11/2019 [-]
A large fossil of Riversleigh snake vertebrae that are 19 million years old
09/10/2019 [-]
Rocks found from the day the dinosaurs died 66 million years ago
08/28/2019 [-]
3.8-million-year-old fossil reveals face of Lucy's ancestors
08/28/2019 [-]
'Game changing', 3.8 million year old skull...
08/20/2019 [-]
Did a Black Hole Swallow a Neutron Star 900 Million Years Ago?
08/01/2019 [-]
The Moon Is 100 Million Years Older Than We Thought, Apollo Rocks Show
07/30/2019 [-]
11 million years of life lost due to childhood cancer in 2017
07/25/2019 [-]
Student unearths 65 million-year-old Triceratops skull in U.S.
07/15/2019 [-]
Wee Lizard Found in Dinosaur's Belly from 120 Million Years Ago
06/22/2019 [-]
Construction workers unearth 68 million years old triceratops fossils
05/30/2019 [-]
50-Million-Year-Old Fossil Shows School of Fish in Their Final Moments
05/16/2019 [-]
New Study Finds Bedbugs Have Pestered the World for 115 Million Years
05/12/2019 [-]
15-million-year-old fossil reveals skinks had crushing jaw, rounded teeth
04/18/2019 [-]
Scientists unearth 220 million-year-old dinosaur fossils in Argentina
04/10/2019 [-]
Scientists unearth 430 million-year-old sea monster...
04/09/2019 [-]
Stargazing T. Rex Gets a 67-Million-Year-Old View of the Night Sky
04/04/2019 [-]
How a four-legged whale ended up in Peru more than 42 million years ago
04/03/2019 [-]
Humans Have Caused the Most Dramatic Climate Change in 3 Million Years
04/01/2019 [-]
69 Million Years Ago, Crested Duck-Billed Dinosaurs Roamed the Warm, Forested Arctic
03/29/2019 [-]
Doomed Asteroid 'Gault' May Finally Explode After 100 Million-Year Death Spiral
03/22/2019 [-]
520-Million-Year-Old Sea Monster Had 18 Mouth Tentacles
03/21/2019 [-]
Oldest egg fossil discovered inside 110-million-year-old bird
03/04/2019 [-]
500 Million-Year-Old Worm Superhighway Revealed in Ancient Seafloor
02/08/2019 [-]
NHS could free up £100MILLION a year by cutting back on agency workers
02/07/2019 [-]
'Oldest' Case of Bone Cancer Is Diagnosed in a 240-Million-Year-Old Shell-Less Turtle
02/07/2019 [-]
Cancer found in a prehistoric turtle that lived 240 million years ago
02/07/2019 [-]
Bone cancer found in 240-million-year-old turtle ancestor fossil
02/04/2019 [-]
This 210-Million-Year-Old 'Dragon' Ate Bones for Breakfast
02/04/2019 [-]
Single Mum went from penny-pinching to turning over £2MILLION a year
01/30/2019 [-]
Earth's Magnetic Field Nearly Disappeared 565 Million Years Ago
01/24/2019 [-]
600-million-year old creature earliest animal ever found...
01/21/2019 [-]
100-Million-Year-Old Hagfish Complete with Slime Kit Discovered
01/21/2019 [-]
290 million-year-old giant lizard reconstructed as a robot
12/31/2018 [-]
In Just 200 Years, We Reversed This 50-Million-Year Climate Trend
12/29/2018 [-]
Mass Extinction 252 Million Years Ago May Be Warning for Today
12/19/2018 [-]
World’s Oldest Flower Unfurled Its Petals More Than 174 Million Years Ago
12/06/2018 [-]
Ichthyosaurus that lived 180 million years ago were like dolphins
11/30/2018 [-]
2.4-million-year-old tools could upend human origin story...
11/07/2018 [-]
Earth's Smallest Ape Weighed 8 lbs., Lived 12.5 Million Years Ago
10/30/2018 [-]
Tiny Beetle Entombed in Amber 99 Million Years Ago Reveals How Continents Shifted
10/23/2018 [-]
48-Million-Year-Old Fossil Owl Is Almost Perfectly Preserved
10/20/2018 [-]
Exquisitely Preserved Lungs from 120 Million Years Ago Stun Scientists Studying Early Bird
10/18/2018 [-]
This flesh-eating fish was caught in a 150-million-year-old crime scene
09/20/2018 [-]
Without Claws or Armor, 520-Million-Year-Old 'Naked' Critter Was Likely a Loner
08/09/2018 [-]
Weird, 570-Million-Year-Old 'Leaf' Fossil Is Actually from an Animal
07/25/2018 [-]
174-million-year-old ‘Amazing Dragon’ dinosaur discovered in China
07/20/2018 [-]
99-million-year-old snake found 'frozen in time'...
07/11/2018 [-]
Rare six-million-year-old whale fossil uncovered in Melbourne collection
07/04/2018 [-]
Why This 5.4-Million-Year-Old Planet Is Still a Baby
06/30/2018 [-]
After 400 million years, is time finally running out for this ancient fish?
06/21/2018 [-]
Obama's Ears Inspired the Name of this 550-Million-Year-Old Critter
06/15/2018 [-]
This Tick's Worst Day Ever Frozen in Time for 100 Million Years
06/15/2018 [-]
99-Million-Year-Old Frogs Found In Amber...
06/12/2018 [-]
2-million-year-old fossils of elephant teeth unearthed in Iran
06/08/2018 [-]
150-million-year-old mystery dinosaur fossil auctions for mln
05/30/2018 [-]
This 240-Million-Year-Old Reptile Is the 'Mother of All Lizards'
05/30/2018 [-]
Ancient relative of lizards lived 240 million years ago
05/28/2018 [-]
125 million-year-old dandruff reveals how dinosaurs shed skin
05/23/2018 [-]
33-million-year-old sea fossils found in outback challenge theory
05/23/2018 [-]
33-million-year-old sea fossils found in outback challenges theory
05/17/2018 [-]
First stars formed 250 million years after Big Bang, explains study
05/09/2018 [-]
Bats have hung around for 33 million years, fossil shows
05/04/2018 [-]
'Lucky find' Girl finds 475-million-year-old fossil
05/04/2018 [-]
Port Macquarie geotrail offers a glimpse of the Earth 460 million years ago
05/03/2018 [-]
A Tennessee Girl Discovered a 475 Million Year Old Fossil
04/24/2018 [-]
Macedonia 8 million-year-old elephant-like remains found
04/18/2018 [-]
After 75 million years the Velociraptor gets recognition for the killing machine it was
04/12/2018 [-]
What the Heck Are These 520-Million-Year-Old Blobs? Experts Can't Agree.
04/03/2018 [-]
170 million-year-old dinosaur footprints discovered in Scotland
03/06/2018 [-]
Fossil of 127-million-year-old baby bird gives insight into evolution
03/06/2018 [-]
127-million-year-old baby bird fossil sheds light on avian evolution
02/21/2018 [-]
The First Plants Appeared 500 Million Years Ago
02/09/2018 [-]
Wouldn't vote for Trump again...
02/06/2018 [-]
Itsy bitsy spiders discovered in 100-million-year-old amber
02/05/2018 [-]
Fossils from 205 million years ago named as a 'new' reptile
02/03/2018 [-]
Rare 200 million-year-old ichthyosaur species discovered
02/01/2018 [-]
Meteorites Brought Water To Earth During the First Two Million Years
01/22/2018 [-]
435 million-year-old starfish named
01/22/2018 [-]
Photos 508-Million-Year-Old Bristly Worm Looked Like a Kitchen Brush
01/22/2018 [-]
508-Million-Year-Old Bristly Worm Helps Solve an Evolutionary Puzzle
01/22/2018 [-]
'Meteorites brought water to Earth in first two million years'
01/11/2018 [-]
This Bird 'Eyeball' Survived 120 Million Years
01/11/2018 [-]
Meet the butterflies from 200 million years ago
01/05/2018 [-]
Fossil hunters study 280 million-year-old polar forest
01/03/2018 [-]
Common Ancestor of Sharks and Humans Lived 440 Million Years Ago
12/28/2017 [-]
Tim Cook million year...
12/26/2017 [-]
60-Million-Year-Old Meteor Strike Uncovered on Remote Isle of Skye
12/20/2017 [-]
Vandals Damaged a Footprint of a Dinosaur of 115 Million Years
12/20/2017 [-]
Vandals use hammer to smash 115-million-year-old dinosaur footprint...
12/20/2017 [-]
Vandals use hammer to damage 115-million-year-old dinosaur footprint near Inverloch
12/16/2017 [-]
60 million-year-old meteorite impact found on Skye
12/14/2017 [-]
The 100-million-year itch Scientists find ticks that fed on dinosaur blood
12/12/2017 [-]
99-Million-Year-Old Amber Suggests Ticks Sucked Dinosaur Blood...
12/12/2017 [-]
Crosbyton museum to display man-made objects from 300 million years ago
12/11/2017 [-]
245-Million-Year-Old Fossil Looks Like Darth Vader, So Scientists Name It After Him
12/10/2017 [-]
Sinister sound of Tyrannosaurus Rex heard for first time in 66 million years
12/08/2017 [-]
World's Oldest Eye is 530 Million Years Old
12/07/2017 [-]
Meet Little Foot, your 3.6-million-year-old ancestor
12/06/2017 [-]
Rare skeleton shown of human ancestor, 3.6 million years old
12/01/2017 [-]
Study Quakes spurred on faults dead for 300 million years
11/15/2017 [-]
280-Million-Year-Old Fossil Forest Discovered in … Antarctica
11/06/2017 [-]
Atmospheric CO2 Reaches Highest Level in Nearly a Million Years
10/26/2017 [-]
Meet the giant dinosaur that roamed southern Africa 200 million years ago
10/26/2017 [-]
'Mega-carnivore' dinosaur roamed Africa 200 million years ago
10/23/2017 [-]
9.7-million-year-old teeth discovery in Germany could re-write human history
10/21/2017 [-]
9.7-million-year-old teeth discovery could re-write human history...
10/20/2017 [-]
54-Million-Year-Old Baby Sea Turtle Had Built-In Sunscreen
09/27/2017 [-]
It took 66 million years, but California gets stat
09/25/2017 [-]
After 66 million years, creature wins state dinosaur honor
09/25/2017 [-]
After 66 million years, California gets a state dinosaur
09/24/2017 [-]
It took 66 million years, but California gets state dinosaur
09/18/2017 [-]
190 million-year-old 'sea monster' identified
09/14/2017 [-]
Dinosaur Gets Strange Diagnosis 78 Million Years After Its Death
09/02/2017 [-]
Human footprints found in Greece are 5.7 million years old
08/31/2017 [-]
66 Million Years Ago, Bird-Like Dinosaurs Laid Blue-Green Eggs
08/16/2017 [-]
An algae explosion 650 million years ago 'is why we're here today'
08/15/2017 [-]
275-million-year-old starfish-like fossils unearthed in remote inland Western Australia
08/15/2017 [-]
Suburban lake's multi-million-year history just beneath the surface
08/15/2017 [-]
Suburban lake's multi-million-year history just beneath the surface
08/13/2017 [-]
Archeological Finds Push First Known Cancer Back 2 Million Years
08/10/2017 [-]
In Photos 13-Million-Year-Old Primate Skull Discovered
08/10/2017 [-]
13 Million-Year-Old Skull May Reveal What Our Ancestors Looked Like
08/10/2017 [-]
Mankind's oldest ancestor?
08/10/2017 [-]
Jellyfish graveyard revealed
08/10/2017 [-]
First 'Winged' Mammals Lived Alongside Dinosaurs 160 Million Years Ago
08/09/2017 [-]
Rare 13 million-year-old primate skull found...
08/07/2017 [-]
Desert Fossils Reveal 540-Million-Year-Old Jellyfish 'Graveyard'
08/03/2017 [-]
Spiny Worm Beast Haunted the Seas 500 Million Years Ago
08/03/2017 [-]
Eat, Pray, Fossilize? Praying Mantis Fossil Is 110 Million Years Old
08/02/2017 [-]
Total eclipse SURPRISE!
07/22/2017 [-]
Boy trips over 1.2 million year old prehistoric wonder on desert hike
07/21/2017 [-]
Boy stumbles across a million-year-old fossil
07/20/2017 [-]
New Mexico boy trips over 1.2 million year old fossil
07/20/2017 [-]
Boy Face-Plants Right Onto a Million-Year-Old Stegomastodon Skull
07/20/2017 [-]
A nine-year-old tripped and discovered a million-year-old fossil
07/20/2017 [-]
10-year-old trips over a 1.2 million-year-old Tusk fossil
07/20/2017 [-]
A 9-year-old tripped and discovered a million-year-old fossil
07/20/2017 [-]
Boy Trips Over Rock in Mountains, Finds Million-Year-Old Fossil
07/20/2017 [-]
9-year-old discovers million-year-old fossil...
07/18/2017 [-]
10-year-old's dino discovery
07/16/2017 [-]
Louis Moinet Jurassic Watch A 150-million year heritage on your wrist
07/01/2017 [-]
Million Per Year--Steph Curry Signs Biggest Contract in NBA History
06/27/2017 [-]
Nearly One-Third of Ocean Animals Perished 2.6 Million Years Ago
06/27/2017 [-]
The map that fills a 500-million-year gap in Earth's history
06/27/2017 [-]
The map that fills a 500-million-year gap in Earth's history
06/27/2017 [-]
Dinosaur find could hold key to 95-million-year-old diet
06/25/2017 [-]
The Lives of Weird 500-Million-Year-Old Creatures Revealed
06/21/2017 [-]
200-Million-Year-Old Weird 'Worm' Creature Finally Identified
06/12/2017 [-]
Ancient bird stuns scientists
06/09/2017 [-]
100-Million-Year-Old Amber Holds Tiny, Feathery Chick
06/09/2017 [-]
'Most complete' baby bird fossil discovered in 99-million-year-old amber
06/09/2017 [-]
'Most complete' baby bird fossil discovered in 99-million-year-old amber
06/09/2017 [-]
99 million-year-old bird found fossilized in amber...
06/08/2017 [-]
Scientists find bird remains fossilized in 99-million-year-old amber
06/07/2017 [-]
World's Oldest Fossilized Mushroom Sprouted 115 Million Years Ago
06/07/2017 [-]
World's Oldest Fossilized Mushroom Sprouted 115 Million Years Ago
06/07/2017 [-]
Discovery of 300,000-year-old fossils rewrites origins of our species
05/26/2017 [-]
Scientists find BUS sized dino
05/25/2017 [-]
How did whales become enormous in just 3 million years?
05/22/2017 [-]
'Winged' snake species from 5 million years ago discovered
05/17/2017 [-]
'Winged Serpent' Fossil Found in 5-Million-Year-Old Sinkhole
05/11/2017 [-]
How 450-Million-Year-Old Bacteria Evolved into a Dangerous Superbug
05/11/2017 [-]
Meet Zuul, the 75 Million-Year-Old Ghostbuster Dinosaur
05/09/2017 [-]
Embryo of Colossal Dinosaur Was Preserved for 90 Million Years
05/09/2017 [-]
Embryo of Giant Dinosaur Was Preserved for 90 Million Years
05/05/2017 [-]
Ancient Meteor Strike Triggered Eruptions Lasting Up to a Million Years
05/05/2017 [-]
150-million-year-old fossilised fish species found in Nakhon Ratchasima
04/26/2017 [-]
508-Million-Year-Old Sea Monster Had 50 Legs and Giant Claws
04/26/2017 [-]
Mars Had Surprising 400-Million-Year Lull Between Giant-Impact Eras
04/17/2017 [-]
New 125 million-year-old species of dinosaurs discovered
04/13/2017 [-]
100 million years in the making Open-air dinosaur museum opens in outback Queensland
04/10/2017 [-]
Fossils of 12 million year old whales found off Dutch coast
04/05/2017 [-]
The climate could hit a state unseen in 50 million years
04/04/2017 [-]
Carbon Dioxide Could Reach Levels Unseen in 50 Million Years
03/24/2017 [-]
Amazon Shows Its Age Scientists Say River No Younger Than 9 Million
03/22/2017 [-]
430 Million-Year-Old Fossil Named in Honor of Sir David Attenborough
03/13/2017 [-]
Leukaemia began in ancient bats 45 million years ago study
03/10/2017 [-]
200 million-year-old croc egg fossils found
03/08/2017 [-]
Power of Eyes, Not Limbs, First Led Fish onto Land 385 Million Years Ago
03/01/2017 [-]
Penguins were 5 Feet Tall 61 Million Years Ago
02/22/2017 [-]
400 Million Year Old Monster Worm with Terrifying Jaws Discovered
02/13/2017 [-]
550-million-year-old fossils found in South Australia
02/06/2017 [-]
478-Million-Year-Old Spiky Slug Solves Long-Held Mollusk Mystery
02/05/2017 [-]
More Than 2 Million Years of Life Saved With Organ Transplants, Experts Estimate
02/02/2017 [-]
Scientists just found a 500-million-year-old worm with legs
02/02/2017 [-]
Land before time 34 million years of NZ history
02/01/2017 [-]
160-Million-Year-Old Pterosaur Ate Like a Flamingo
01/30/2017 [-]
Tiny, 540-Million-Year-Old Human Ancestor Didn't Have an Anus
01/30/2017 [-]
Tiny, 540-Million-Year-Old Human Ancestor Didn't Have an Anus
01/28/2017 [-]
'Alien' insect stuns scientist
01/26/2017 [-]
New 100-million-year-old 'ET-like' insect species discovered
01/24/2017 [-]
Scientists Discover Ancient Wolf-Sized Otter Species in China
01/12/2017 [-]
Canadian tourists have helped unearth a 100 million-year-old marine fossil.
01/10/2017 [-]
Caribbean bats need 8 million years to recover from recent extinction waves
01/09/2017 [-]
Trilobites Tomatillo Fossils, 52 Million Years Old, Are Discovered in Patagonia
01/06/2017 [-]
52 Million Years Old Fossil Fruit Found in Argentina
01/06/2017 [-]
Fossil fruit from 52 million years ago revealed
01/05/2017 [-]
280 Million-Year-Old-Fossil Reveals How Ghost Sharks Evolved
01/04/2017 [-]
280 million-year-old fossil reveals origins of chimaeroid fishes
12/20/2016 [-]
'Trumpet' creature discovery
12/19/2016 [-]
180-million-year-old rocks lend insight into Earth's most powerful earthquakes
12/15/2016 [-]
What These 3.66 Million-Year-Old Footprints Tell Us About Our Human Ancestors
12/11/2016 [-]
What is the Million-Year Ice Core — and why should we care?
12/10/2016 [-]
Million-Year-Old 'Hero Bug' Emerges From Cave
12/10/2016 [-]
Benign 'Toothlet' Tumor Found in 255 Million-Year-Old Fossil
12/09/2016 [-]
100 million year old dinosaur tail is discovered
12/09/2016 [-]
Tumor Found in 255-Million-Year-old Fossil
12/09/2016 [-]
A Fossil Rarity Tumor Found in 255 Million-year-old Beast
12/09/2016 [-]
In fossil rarity, tumor found in 255-million-year-old beast
12/08/2016 [-]
Feathered dinosaur tail survives 99 million years trapped in amber
12/08/2016 [-]
'It's as close as anyone will get to petting a dinosaur'
12/08/2016 [-]
Feathered Dinosaur Lost Its Tail in Sticky Trap 99 Million Years Ago
12/08/2016 [-]
'It's as close as anyone will get to petting a dinosaur'
12/08/2016 [-]
Fossilized evidence of a tumor in a 255-million-year-old mammal forerunner
12/08/2016 [-]
255-Million-Year-Old Tumor is Oldest of its Kind
12/05/2016 [-]
51-million-year-old genetic secret to Darwin's theory unlocked
12/02/2016 [-]
Biologists unlock 51.7-million-year-old genetic secret to landmark Darwin theory
12/02/2016 [-]
New study describes 200 million years of geological evolution
11/23/2016 [-]
130-Million-Year Old Proteins Still Present in Dinosaur-Age Fossil
11/21/2016 [-]
Keratin and melanosomes preserved in 130-million-year-old bird fossil
11/09/2016 [-]
Original dinosaur claw sheath proteins preserved for 75 million years
11/07/2016 [-]
Life took hold on land 300 million years earlier than thought
11/03/2016 [-]
A Long-Lost Gas Cloud Will Slam into Our Galaxy in 30 Million Years
11/02/2016 [-]
The Story of Cats traces 11 million year journey into our homes
10/31/2016 [-]
295-Million-Year-Old Frog Relative Immaculately Preserved in Fossil
10/29/2016 [-]
133 million-year-old dinosaur brain fossil found in England
10/28/2016 [-]
Ancient Bird Coughed Up 'Fishy' Pellet 120 Million Years Ago
10/28/2016 [-]
Ancient Bird Coughed Up 'Fishy' Pellet 120 Million Years Ago
10/24/2016 [-]
Scientists trace plant hormone pathway back 450 million years
10/22/2016 [-]
Right-Handedness Might Go Back Almost 2 Million Years
10/21/2016 [-]
1.8 Million-Year-Old Teeth Show Earliest Evidence of Right-Handedness
10/20/2016 [-]
Fossil Leaves show how Antarctic Ice melted 23 Million Years Ago
10/16/2016 [-]
Sea Monster Swam Oceans 170 Million Years Ago
10/16/2016 [-]
Sea Monster Swam the Oceans 170 Million Years Ago
10/14/2016 [-]
Ancient comet slammed Earth?
10/13/2016 [-]
Blast from the past comet may have hit Earth 56 million years ago
10/13/2016 [-]
Did a cosmic crash heat up Earth 56 million years ago?
10/11/2016 [-]
Pokemon Go could add 2.83 million years to users' lives
10/05/2016 [-]
Researchers discover an unusual attractant structure in a 54-million-year-old biting midge
10/04/2016 [-]
Paleontologist suggests 'great dying' 252 million years ago wasn't as bad as thought
10/03/2016 [-]
230-million-year-old Texas reptile had bizarre 'dinosaurian' features
09/30/2016 [-]
212-Million-Year-old Reptile Had Bizarre Arms
09/23/2016 [-]
230 Million-Year-Old Reptile's Domed-Skull Detailed In New Animation
09/21/2016 [-]
Modern Alligator Looks a Lot Like Its 8-Million-Year-Old Cousin
09/15/2016 [-]
For 20 million years, the diversity of large terrestrial mammals depended on plant growth
09/13/2016 [-]
Westerly winds have blown across central Asia for at least 42 million years
09/11/2016 [-]
200-Million-Year-Old Gigantic Crocodile Relative Unearthed in New Mexico
09/08/2016 [-]
Researchers name a new species of reptile from 212 million years ago
09/08/2016 [-]
Tiny 'Vampires' Put the Bite on Amoeba Prey 740 Million Years Ago
09/08/2016 [-]
Tiny 'Vampires' Put the Bite on Amoeba Prey 740 Million Years Ago
09/08/2016 [-]
Beachgoer finds 130-million year old dinosaur prints
09/08/2016 [-]
Two million years of history explored at National Museum of Australia
09/07/2016 [-]
Life history of the 360-million-year-old tetrapod Acanthostega rewrites the tetrapod move on land
09/06/2016 [-]
Gravitational waves formed 10 million years after black holes merge
09/05/2016 [-]
First gravitational waves form after 10 million years
09/03/2016 [-]
Slow Methane release behind Climate Change 56 Million Years Ago
09/01/2016 [-]
Can melting of frozen methane explain rapid climate change 56 million years ago?
08/30/2016 [-]
3.2-Million-Year-Old Human Ancestor Lucy Died by Falling off a Tree
08/30/2016 [-]
Six million years ago, the Milky Way's core was a furious blaze
08/30/2016 [-]
Anthropologist Solves 3 Million Year Old Mystery Of Lucy's Death
08/30/2016 [-]
Milky Way had a Blowout 6 Million Years Ago
08/29/2016 [-]
Milky way had a blowout bash six million years ago
08/29/2016 [-]
How did Lucy, our early human ancestor, die 3 million years ago?
08/25/2016 [-]
Artist impression of Riversleigh landscape 18 million years ago
08/20/2016 [-]
Stones used as Hunting Weapons a Million Years ago Identified
08/15/2016 [-]
Researchers uncover 340 million year-old oceanic crust in the Mediterranean Sea using magnetic data
08/12/2016 [-]
Core sample taken from Lake Malawi reveals 1.3 million years of African history
08/10/2016 [-]
Did HIV-related viruses emerge 60 million years ago?
08/10/2016 [-]
Motorways reveal evidence of massive tropical storms 200 million years ago
08/09/2016 [-]
Study pushes back the origin of HIV-related retroviruses to 60 million years ago
08/01/2016 [-]
ANCIENT CANCER? 1.7M-yr.-old bone reveals earliest case of disease
07/29/2016 [-]
1.7 Million-Year-Old Foot Bone Offers Earliest Evidence of Malignant Cancer
07/29/2016 [-]
Archeological finds push first known cancer back 2 million years
07/29/2016 [-]
Oldest Human Cancer Found in 1.7-Million-Year-Old Bone
07/29/2016 [-]
Turns out, we've been dealing with cancer for million years
07/28/2016 [-]
Cancer found in million-year-old fossil...
07/28/2016 [-]
Cancer on a Paleo-diet? Ask someone who lived 1.7 million years ago
07/25/2016 [-]
148 million years later, dinosaur quarry remains a cold case
07/22/2016 [-]
Ants learnt to farm 60-million years before humans
07/17/2016 [-]
Human Sperm Gene Hasn't Changed for 600 Million Years
07/15/2016 [-]
Ancient footprints, new clues
07/15/2016 [-]
Lucky bug eluded eternal entombment in 50 million-year-old amber
07/15/2016 [-]
New Dinosaur Fossil from 90 Million Years ago Found in Argentina
07/15/2016 [-]
Lucky bug eluded eternal entombment in 50 million-year-old chunk of amber
07/14/2016 [-]
Terrified insect escapes a permanent tomb—50 million years ago
07/13/2016 [-]
1.5-Million-Year-Old Footprints Reveal Human Ancestor Walked Like Us
07/12/2016 [-]
This ichthyosaur jaw bone is 100 million years old, says Dr Patrick Smith.
07/08/2016 [-]
99-Million-Year-Old Spider Mummy Sported Horned Fangs
07/07/2016 [-]
500-Million-Year-Old 'Seaweed' Was Actually Home to Tiny Worms
07/07/2016 [-]
500-Million-Year-Old 'Seaweed' Was Actually Home to Tiny Worms
07/07/2016 [-]
50 million-year-old fossil identified as relative of Ostriches
07/05/2016 [-]
Ostrich relative lived in North America 50 million years ago
06/30/2016 [-]
Amber reveals ancient wings
06/28/2016 [-]
Mummified, 99-Million-Year-Old Wings Caught in Amber
06/27/2016 [-]
Pterosaur discovered in Lebanese quarry after 95 million years
06/25/2016 [-]
Insects Used Camouflage 100 Million Years Ago
06/24/2016 [-]
Insects were already using camouflage 100 million years ago
06/22/2016 [-]
94-million-year-old climate change event holds clues for future
06/21/2016 [-]
Newly-discovered 11-million-year-old exoplanet sheds light on how worlds are formed
06/17/2016 [-]
Antarctica's CO2 Levels Are Now the Highest in 4 Million Years
06/17/2016 [-]
Antarctic Carbon Dioxide Crosses 400 PPM for the First Time in 4 Million Years
06/16/2016 [-]
Antarctic CO2 Hit 400 PPM For First Time in 4 Million Years
06/15/2016 [-]
Airplane-Size Seabird Flew Above Antarctica 50 Million Years Ago
06/14/2016 [-]
New 200 million-year-old British species of marine reptile discovered
06/13/2016 [-]
23-million-year-old brown dwarf flashes brighter than the sun's most powerful flares
06/01/2016 [-]
The organizer of body axes 600 million years old molecular principles
05/25/2016 [-]
A 100-million-year partnership on the brink of extinction
05/18/2016 [-]
This fossilized shrimp is 100-million-years old.
05/12/2016 [-]
City works to protect 200 million-year-old dinosaur tracks
05/10/2016 [-]
Avg worker needs 1 million years to earn Bill Gates wealth...
05/09/2016 [-]
The 2 million year melee—neanderthals vs. humans
05/07/2016 [-]
Scientists discover 71-million-year old dinosaur fossil in Antartica
05/05/2016 [-]
'Marine lizard' dinosaur remains among fossils found on Antarctic expedition
05/05/2016 [-]
Marine lizard dinosaur remains among fossils found on Antarctic expedition
05/03/2016 [-]
520-Million-Year-Old Fossil Larva Preserved in 3D
05/02/2016 [-]
230 million-year-old dinosaur footprint found in north Spain
04/29/2016 [-]
Ancient hyenas ate people
04/27/2016 [-]
Ancient Hyenas Ate Human Relatives Half a Million Years Ago
04/26/2016 [-]
Fossils may reveal 20-million-year history of penguins in Australia
04/26/2016 [-]
Nearby massive star explosion 30 million years ago equaled detonation of 100 million suns
04/26/2016 [-]
Secrets of 195-million-year old marine reptile uncovered
04/22/2016 [-]
Fossil hunter Murray Orr discovers 5 million-year-old whale tooth
04/21/2016 [-]
5-million-year-old Whale Tooth Washes Ashore in Australia
04/21/2016 [-]
Fossil teeth of 21-million-year-old monkey discovered in North America
04/21/2016 [-]
5 million year old whale tooth discovered at Melbourne beach
04/20/2016 [-]
Monkey mariners made monumental migration 21 million years ago
04/20/2016 [-]
13-million-year-old 'storyteller' crocodylian fossils show evidence for parallel evolution
04/20/2016 [-]
The Secrets of the 13 Million-Year-Old Crocodile
04/19/2016 [-]
Insects may have had basic 'consciousness' more than 500 million years ago
04/13/2016 [-]
After 18 million years, a new species of extinct rodent discovered in Israel
04/13/2016 [-]
300 million year old 'Tully Monster' was a vertebrate, researchers identify
04/13/2016 [-]
26-million-year-old fossil ear reveals the origin of dolphin hearing and communication
04/07/2016 [-]
Six to 10 million years ago Ice-free summers at the North Pole
04/02/2016 [-]
Scientists Trace True Colors of 10 Million Years Old Snake
03/31/2016 [-]
305 Million Years Old Arachnid Hold Clues to the Origin of Spiders
03/31/2016 [-]
10-Million-Year-Old Snake Revealed in Living Color
03/30/2016 [-]
Photos 305-Million-Year-Old Arachnid Trapped in Rock
03/30/2016 [-]
305-Million-Year-Old 'Almost Spider' Unlocks Arachnid History
03/29/2016 [-]
Study finds malaria may have evolved 100 million years ago
03/28/2016 [-]
China subsidies costing U.S. wheat farmers million a year
03/22/2016 [-]
Carbon emission release rate 'unprecedented' in past 66 million years
03/22/2016 [-]
Carbon emissions rate 'highest in 66 million years'
03/22/2016 [-]
Scientists What We're Doing To The Earth Has No Par
03/21/2016 [-]
Carbon emissions highest in 66 million years, since dinosaur age
03/17/2016 [-]
95-million-year old dinosaur fossils found in Mexico
03/16/2016 [-]
Climate variations analyzed five million years back in time
03/11/2016 [-]
Paleontologists discover 250-million-year-old new species of reptile in Brazil
03/09/2016 [-]
Revealed Global warming caused extinction of ichthyosaurs 94 million years ago
03/09/2016 [-]
Scientists Found that Ancient Viruses Existed as Far Back as 30 Million Years Ago
03/08/2016 [-]
World's Oldest Lizard 99 Million Year Old Lizard Found Preserved in Amber Fossil
03/08/2016 [-]
State spends a year on member fees
03/08/2016 [-]
Scientists uncover history of ancient viruses as far back as 30 million years ago
03/07/2016 [-]
Fossilized Lizard, 99 Million Years Old, Is a Clue to 'Lost Ecosystem'
03/07/2016 [-]
Million-year-old ice the 'holy grail' of climate research in Antarctica
03/07/2016 [-]
Million-year-old ice the 'holy grail' of climate research in Antarctica
03/06/2016 [-]
99 million-year-old fossilized lizard gives scientists a view of a ‘lost ecosystem’
03/06/2016 [-]
Fossilized Lizard, 99 Million Years Old, Is a Clue to 'Lost Ecosystem'
03/06/2016 [-]
Fossilized lizard, 99 million years old, is a clue to 'lost ecosystem'
03/03/2016 [-]
440 Million Year Old Fungus May be the Oldest Fossilized Land Organism Ever
03/03/2016 [-]
Wondrous fungus Tiny 440-million-year-old fossils are oldest of any land-dwelling organism
03/01/2016 [-]
Oldest and Most Detailed Nervous System Found in 520-Million-Year Old Fossil
03/01/2016 [-]
Shrimp-like animal’s 520 million-year-old fossil contains well-preserved nervous system
03/01/2016 [-]
Oldest Nervous System Found in 520-Million-Year-Old Fossil
03/01/2016 [-]
Nervous system found in 520-million-year-old crustacean-like creature
03/01/2016 [-]
520-million-year-old fossilized nervous system is most detailed example yet found
02/25/2016 [-]
Ancient chimpanzee 'Adam' lived over one million years ago, research reveals
02/23/2016 [-]
190 million years of tetrapod biodiversity
02/17/2016 [-]
500 million-year-old fossils show how extinct organisms attacked their prey
02/16/2016 [-]
Pakistani Scientists Locate 1.1 Million-Year-Old Stegodon Tusk in Punjab
02/16/2016 [-]
These 30-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Flowers May Be Toxic
02/16/2016 [-]
Pakistan scientists find 1.1 million year-old stegodon tusk
02/13/2016 [-]
100 Million Years Old Amber Shows Two Ant Species Fighting Against Each Other
02/13/2016 [-]
Giant Flightless Bird Roamed the Arctic 50 Million Years Ago
02/12/2016 [-]
New study confirms giant flightless bird wandered the Arctic 50 million years ago
02/11/2016 [-]
Gorilla fossil suggests split from humans as far back as 10 million years ago
02/06/2016 [-]
Opalised pearls dating back 65 million years unearthed in SA
02/05/2016 [-]
Arachnid with 99-million-year erection found entombed in amber
02/04/2016 [-]
99-million-year-old spider found with erection...
02/03/2016 [-]
99-Million-Year Long Penis Erection Preserved in Amber
02/03/2016 [-]
Daddy Longlegs Fossil Keeps Erection for 99 Million Years
02/03/2016 [-]
Significant changes in rhino bone health over 50 million years
01/31/2016 [-]
More Than 2 Million Years of Life Saved With Organ Transplants, Experts Estimate
01/23/2016 [-]
Young at Heart Pluto's Ice Only 10 Million Years Old
01/21/2016 [-]
200 Million-Year-Old Welsh Dinosaur Named 'Dragon Thief'
01/20/2016 [-]
200 million-year-old Jurassic dinosaur uncovered in Wales
01/20/2016 [-]
Pluto's 'heart' only 10 million years old
01/14/2016 [-]
U of A student discovers 130-million-year-old bus-sized crocodile
01/04/2016 [-]
Bentley reveals new luxury interiors using 200 million-year-old stone
12/31/2015 [-]
Mammals may be 30 million years older than previously thought
12/16/2015 [-]
Unusual 'sail-backed' dinosaur roamed Spain 125 million years ago
12/16/2015 [-]
Study finds people transformed how species associated after 300 million years
12/15/2015 [-]
East Antarctic Ice Sheet has stayed frozen for 14 million years
12/12/2015 [-]
Modern Birds Took Flight 95 Million Years Ago
12/12/2015 [-]
Stanford Research Northern Sierra Nevada Formed Nearly 40 Million Years Ago
12/10/2015 [-]
Researchers discover fossil samples of ancient, microscopic worms dating back 530 million years
12/09/2015 [-]
Researchers re-analyze 15-million-year-old sperm whale fossil, find 'white whale'
12/09/2015 [-]
Dinosaur Blood Vessels Survived 80 Million Years Without Fossilizing
12/08/2015 [-]
Stunning 180 million Year old Lufengosaur Fossil found in China
12/01/2015 [-]
Researchers confirm original blood vessels in 80 million-year-old fossil
11/30/2015 [-]
Homo naledi may be two million years old
11/27/2015 [-]
The mysterious human relative ‘Homo naledi’ may be two million years old
11/25/2015 [-]
7-Million-Year-Old Fossils Show How the Giraffe Got Its Long Neck
11/24/2015 [-]
In 40 million years, Mars may have a ring — and one fewer moon
11/24/2015 [-]
In 40 million years, Mars may have a ring
11/20/2015 [-]
Interest cut to cost NHT yearly
11/16/2015 [-]
CT analysis of 210 million-year-old fossil suggests mammalian ancestors diversified in the Triassic
11/12/2015 [-]
Ancient Stars That Formed When Universe Was Only 300 Million Years Old Fou
11/11/2015 [-]
Study Cacao Tree Was Born 10 Million Years Ago
11/11/2015 [-]
NASA Phobos, Mars Moon, Might Disintegrate In 30 to 50 Million Years
11/11/2015 [-]
Origin of chocolate discovered 10 million years ago!
11/10/2015 [-]
Scientists date the origin of the cacao tree to 10 million years ago
11/10/2015 [-]
Himalayas born by smashing about 47 million years ago
11/09/2015 [-]
520-million-year-old arthropod brains turn paleontology on its head
11/06/2015 [-]
Observed cosmic rays may have come from two-million-year-old supernova
11/03/2015 [-]
66-Million-Year-Old Giant Raptor Fossils Found in South Dakota
10/28/2015 [-]
X-rays uncover gut of 320-million-year-old-animal
10/27/2015 [-]
290-Million-Year-Old Creature Could Sprout New Limbs
10/26/2015 [-]
New research reveals fires were more common 300 million years ago than today
10/23/2015 [-]
See it today, 1 million years later
10/22/2015 [-]
300 million-year-old 'supershark' fossils found in Texas
10/21/2015 [-]
76-million-year-old extinct species of pig-snouted turtle unearthed in Utah
10/15/2015 [-]
‘Stunning’ discovery 125-million-year-old mammal remains found with visible fur, skin, and organs
10/14/2015 [-]
125-million-year-old mammal fossil reveals the early evolution of hair and spines
10/08/2015 [-]
Foetus found in 48-million-year-old horse fossil
10/07/2015 [-]
48-million-year-old horse-like fetus discovered in Germany
10/07/2015 [-]
125 million Year Old Bird Discovered
10/01/2015 [-]
Australian deserts only 1.5 million years young, study shows
09/29/2015 [-]
Scientists can Tell the Color of a Fossil up to 300 Million Years Old
09/29/2015 [-]
Scientists reveal color of 49 million-year-old bats by studying their fossilized fur
09/28/2015 [-]
Fossilized fur reveals colour of 49-million-year-old bats
09/28/2015 [-]
Fossilized fur reveals color of 49-million-year-old bats
09/26/2015 [-]
2 Million Year old Fossil reveals Early Human Hearing
09/25/2015 [-]
Two-million-year-old fossils reveal hearing abilities of early humans
09/22/2015 [-]
Chinese continental shelf of exotic origin collided with continental China 100 million years ago
09/19/2015 [-]
Launceston's Cataract Gorge 80 million years in the making
09/18/2015 [-]
120-Million-Year-Old Turtle Fossil Sheds Light on Early Evolution
09/18/2015 [-]
Profitability of mangoes and a million yearly loss
09/07/2015 [-]
Fossils of ancient rainforest found on Gold Coast
09/05/2015 [-]
Monkey Fossil confirms to be a Million Years Old
09/01/2015 [-]
Scientists discover a 6-foot-long 'sea scorpion' that lived 450 million years ago
09/01/2015 [-]
Fossils show big bug ruled the seas 460 million years ago
08/20/2015 [-]
Human Ancestors May Have Butchered Animals 3.4 Million Years Ago
08/18/2015 [-]
Earliest 'modern' hand nearly two million years old
07/31/2015 [-]
Expedition to look 5 million years into past to study climate change effects
07/28/2015 [-]
Obama meets 3.2-million-year-old ‘grandmother of humanity’ during Ethiopia visit
07/24/2015 [-]
It would take 6 million Years to reach Kepler-452b
07/16/2015 [-]
50-Million-Year-Old Worm Sperm Found in Antarctica
07/16/2015 [-]
125 million-year-old lizard embryos found in Thailand fossil eggs
07/15/2015 [-]
Oldest Animal Sperm Lasted 50 Million Years in Antarctica
07/14/2015 [-]
Fossils of 400-million-year-old sea creatures found
07/13/2015 [-]
50-million-year-old volcanoes discovered off Australia
07/13/2015 [-]
Sea creature fossil discovery
07/13/2015 [-]
Scientists discover 50-million-year old underwater volcanoes off Sydney coast
07/10/2015 [-]
105 million years ago, flies were doing the pollinating
07/08/2015 [-]
Rare Fossils of 400-Million-Year-Old Sea Creatures Uncovered
07/06/2015 [-]
Nigeria USA Spends U.S.450 Million Yearly in Health Aid to Nigeria Mission Director
07/02/2015 [-]
Wyoming already had Jesus Christ Lizards 48 million Years ago
06/25/2015 [-]
You’re not hallucinating — this 500-million-year-old creature is just extremely weird
06/24/2015 [-]
240 million-year-old lizard-like reptile considered 'grandfather' of turtles
06/24/2015 [-]
500-Million-Year-Old 'Smiling' Worm Rears Its Head
06/24/2015 [-]
12-year-old boy finds 80-million-year-old dinosaur bone in Greene County
06/23/2015 [-]
'Liberia Spends U.S.200 Million Yearly On Rice Importation' Lawmaker
06/22/2015 [-]
Africa Dinosaur Eggs Get Ready to Hatch Their Secrets 200 Million Years Later
06/11/2015 [-]
Floyd Mayweather Tops Highest-Paid Athletes List With Million Year
06/10/2015 [-]
Blood Cells Found in Dinosaur Fossils
06/08/2015 [-]
28 million year old penguin goes digital
06/06/2015 [-]
How To Store Your Data For 1 Million Years
05/21/2015 [-]
425-Million-Year-Old 'Tongue Worm' Fossilized Mid-Invasion
05/20/2015 [-]
Scientists unearth earliest-known stone tools, 3.3 million years old
05/20/2015 [-]
Earliest tools dated to 3.3 million years ago
05/20/2015 [-]
50-million-year old turtle fossils uncovered in central Queensland
05/18/2015 [-]
Study UAB faces million yearly deficit with football
05/11/2015 [-]
Million-Year-Old Bubbles Reveal Antarctica's Oldest Climate Snapshot
05/08/2015 [-]
‘Sea monster’ brains mystery
04/29/2015 [-]
100 million-year-old sea monster fossil found
04/29/2015 [-]
100 million-year-old sea monster fossil discovered
04/19/2015 [-]
A 65-Million-Year Rectal Foreign Body? That's Improbable!
04/13/2015 [-]
Unsafe Food Consumption Kills Two Million Yearly
04/08/2015 [-]
Texas boy, 4, finds 100-million-year-old dinosaur fossil
04/04/2015 [-]
Human Ancestor ‘Little Foot’ Lived 3.7 Million Years Ago
04/02/2015 [-]
3.67 Million Years Old Little Foot is Oldest Human Ancestor
04/02/2015 [-]
South Africa 'Little Foot' Fossil Now Found to Be 3.67 Million Years Old
03/29/2015 [-]
500 million year old lobster-like predator found in Canada
03/18/2015 [-]
Whale skull tied to human past
03/16/2015 [-]
17-Million-Year-Old Whale Skull Helps Place Humanity's First Steps
03/05/2015 [-]
2.8 Million Years Old Jawbone of First Human Discovered
03/05/2015 [-]
Africa 2.8 Million-Year Ethiopian Fossil Redraws Human Evolution
03/05/2015 [-]
2.8 million-year Ethiopian fossil redraws human evolution
02/28/2015 [-]
Qatar- 3.2 million-year-old human fossil on display at Katara
02/24/2015 [-]
New dino species found
02/14/2015 [-]
Distant fern species create 'love child' after 60 million years
02/07/2015 [-]
Hearing may have evolved over 300 million years ago
02/06/2015 [-]
Stars formed 100 million years later than thought
01/29/2015 [-]
More Than 2 Million Years of Life Saved with Organ Transplants
01/28/2015 [-]
Snakes 70 million years older than thought
01/27/2015 [-]
Remarkable fossils push back snake origins by 65 million years
01/21/2015 [-]
25 million-year-old dust on ocean floor negates supernova hypotheses
01/14/2015 [-]
430-million-year-old aquatic scorpion fossil discovered in Canada
01/12/2015 [-]
170-Million-Year-Old 'Fish Lizard' Fossil Unearthed in Scotland
12/29/2014 [-]
Geologists stumble upon 1.2-million-year-old stone tool that rewrites migration of man
12/23/2014 [-]
Ancient Eye Cells Suggest Color Vision Is 300 Million Years Old
12/22/2014 [-]
University of Alberta researcher finds fossil of 110-million-year-old crab
12/18/2014 [-]
ECG loses million yearly IFC report
12/04/2014 [-]
Human ancestors developed taste for alcohol 10 million years ago
12/03/2014 [-]
Our Ancestors Were Getting Drunk 10 Million Years Ago
12/03/2014 [-]
Study We've Been Drinking Alcohol for 10 Million Years
12/02/2014 [-]
Mankind's alcohol habit 10 million years old
11/21/2014 [-]
Rhino horse, a 'missing link,' could solve 55-million-year-old mystery
11/19/2014 [-]
20 million-year-old whale fossils found
11/13/2014 [-]
140-million-year-old dinosaur tooth found
11/10/2014 [-]
Mars hit by once-in-8-million years comet dust shower
11/08/2014 [-]
47-Million-Year-Old Pregnant Mare Sheds Light on Ancient Horses
11/07/2014 [-]
Insect Family Tree Maps 400-Million-Year Evolution
10/31/2014 [-]
Earth's Water Existed 135 Million Years Earlier than Thought
10/27/2014 [-]
Researchers Confirm That The Megalodon Died Out Over Two Million Years Ago
10/23/2014 [-]
Sex Is 385 Million Years Old, and It Looked Like Square Dancing
10/20/2014 [-]
Study finds sex is 385 million years old
10/17/2014 [-]
Once in Million Years Comet Buzzing Mars
10/17/2014 [-]
Once in million years Comet to buzz Mars on Sun.
10/16/2014 [-]
Once in million years Comet buzzing Mars on Sun.
10/16/2014 [-]
Scientists find carbon dioxide can be buried for a million years
10/07/2014 [-]
Observatory 52 Million Years Old, and an Ant’s Worst Enemy
10/02/2014 [-]
52-Million-Year-Old 'Ant-Loving' Beetle Caught in Amber
09/29/2014 [-]
240 million-year-old oyster fossils found on mounts of Sam Roi Yod park
09/26/2014 [-]
The Possibility Of An Evolutionary Timeline Shift
09/26/2014 [-]
Remarkable Limb Regeneration Began 3 Million Years Ago
09/26/2014 [-]
Termites Evolved Complex Bioreactors 30 Million Years Ago
09/24/2014 [-]
New fossil proves limb regeneration is 300 million years old
09/15/2014 [-]
Study finds Asian monsoons began 40 million years ago
09/11/2014 [-]
19-Million-Year-Old Swamp Creature Had the Lips like Jagger
09/05/2014 [-]
Nocturnal Behavior May Predate The Earliest Mammals By 100 Million Years
08/27/2014 [-]
560-Million-Year-Old Creature Flexed the World's First Muscles
08/26/2014 [-]
No soft spot on 3-million-year-old child skull study
08/20/2014 [-]
Hiker finds 125 million-year-old dinosaur tracks near Moab
08/20/2014 [-]
75 million year dinosaur egg hunt
08/14/2014 [-]
210-Million-Year-Old Piece of Wood Sports Fossilized Fire Scar
08/06/2014 [-]
200-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Remains Unearthed in Venezuela
07/31/2014 [-]
How do you make a bird? Shrink a dinosaur for 50 million years
07/20/2014 [-]
33-Million-Year Old Poop Expected to Fetch at Auction
07/17/2014 [-]
520-Million-Year-Old Sea Monster with Preserved Brain Unearthed
07/14/2014 [-]
Observatory A 52-Million-Year-Old Window Into the Future
07/09/2014 [-]
Creep Show 410-Million-Year-Old Spider Walks Again
07/08/2014 [-]
A Simulated Dwarf Galaxy 800 Million Years After The Big Bang
07/04/2014 [-]
Triceratops Horn Continued To Evolve for a Million Years
07/01/2014 [-]
Ancient Arctic Sharks Lived In Brackish Water 50 Million Years Ago
07/01/2014 [-]
Study Triceratops took a million years to develop horn
06/19/2014 [-]
Bachelor party finds 10-million-year-old fossil
06/17/2014 [-]
Stag party finds 3-million-year-old 'elephant'
06/17/2014 [-]
Bachelor Party Discovers 3-Million-Year-Old Elephant Fossil
06/15/2014 [-]
Meteor Crash Might Have Caused a Mass Extinction 33.7 Million Years Ago
06/14/2014 [-]
423-Million-Year-Old Remains of Predatory Fish Found in China
06/14/2014 [-]
Million-Year-Old Fossils Show Hippos Going for a Swim
06/13/2014 [-]
Fossil found during New Mexico bachelor party is 10 million years old
06/13/2014 [-]
Human and Chimp Genes May Have Split 13 Million Years Ago
06/12/2014 [-]
Earliest Evidence Of Jaws Discovered In 500M-Year-Old Fish Fossil
06/12/2014 [-]
423-Million-Year-Old Fish Was Once Earth's Largest Vertebrate
06/12/2014 [-]
5-Million-Year-Old Arctic Fox Ancestor Found in Tibet
06/10/2014 [-]
Programmed cell death shown to be 550 million years old
06/06/2014 [-]
Remnants Of A 66-Million-Year-Old Forest Fire Found Preserved In Stone
06/05/2014 [-]
11-Million-Year-Old Weird Worm Lizard Discovered
06/05/2014 [-]
Bacteria found in 15 million-year-old amber similar to Lyme disease
06/04/2014 [-]
Man gets jail for smuggling tyrannosaurus skeleton
05/30/2014 [-]
Ancient Lyme Disease Bacteria Found in 15-Million-Year-Old Tick Fossils
05/30/2014 [-]
Ticks may have carried Lyme disease for more than 15 million years
05/30/2014 [-]
Thought extinct for 4 million years, found living in New Zealand
05/30/2014 [-]
Lyme Disease May Have Been Around Long Before Humans Study
05/28/2014 [-]
Less Diversity Found In Bird Species Of 125M Years Ago
05/21/2014 [-]
180-Million-Year-Old Fossils Revealed in Jurassic Deep Sea
05/14/2014 [-]
Giant 17 million-year-old sperm discovered
04/25/2014 [-]
163 million years old flying reptile species discovered
04/19/2014 [-]
3-million-year old green landscape found beneath ice sheet!
04/18/2014 [-]
Greenland Ice Sheet Covers 3-Million-Year-Old Landscapes
04/18/2014 [-]
Fossil of 325-million-year-old shark-like specie sheds light on evolution of jaws
04/17/2014 [-]
Old as Dirt 2.7-Million-Year-Old Soil Found Under Ice
04/15/2014 [-]
500-million-year-old embryo fossils found
04/15/2014 [-]
500-Million-Year-Old Embryos Fossilized in Rare Find
04/12/2014 [-]
400-million-year-old fossilised plant 'brought back to life'
04/12/2014 [-]
VIDEO Moving a million-year-old mammoth
04/12/2014 [-]
Mammoth lift for million-year-old skeleton
04/08/2014 [-]
A million years of Humanity
04/05/2014 [-]
First Comprehensive Map Of Hummingbirds' 22-million-year-old History
04/04/2014 [-]
Now, beer made from yeast of 35-million-year old whale fossil
04/04/2014 [-]
Clock won't lose time for 300 million years
04/03/2014 [-]
New Estimates Suggest The Moon Is 60 Million Years Younger
04/03/2014 [-]
112-million-year-old dinosaur 'chase' remade in 3D
04/02/2014 [-]
112-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur 'Chase' Reconstructed in 3D
03/27/2014 [-]
75 million-year-old giant turtle's bone from fossil discoveries assembled
03/27/2014 [-]
Causes and consequences of global climate warming 56 million years ago revealed
03/21/2014 [-]
Fossil Discovery Adds New Chapter In History Of Venomous Snakes
03/20/2014 [-]
48-million-year-old food webs show modern structure
03/15/2014 [-]
'Little Foot' Fossil Is Three Million Years Old
03/14/2014 [-]
Parental Care From 450 Million Years Ago
03/14/2014 [-]
Echolocation in Whales Evolved 28 Million Years Ago
03/14/2014 [-]
New fossils show brooding behavior 450 million years ago
03/13/2014 [-]
450-Million-Year-Old Marine Creatures 'Babysat' Their Young
03/05/2014 [-]
Exceptional Fossils Of 160 Million Year Old Doahugou Biota
02/21/2014 [-]
150 million-year-old dinosaur to find a Dubai home
02/21/2014 [-]
Sexual Dimorphism In Pinnipeds Began Around 20 To 27 Million Years Ago
02/21/2014 [-]
‘Gargantuan’ pachyrhinosaur skull found in Drumheller 72 million years after horned dinosaur roamed Alberta
01/06/2014 [-]
49-Million-Year-Old Cockroach Fossil Found
12/26/2013 [-]
Enzyme That Produces Melatonin Originated 500 Million Years Ago, NIH Study Shows
12/17/2013 [-]
1.4 Million Year-old Fossil Lends A Hand In Closing Evolutionary Gap
12/17/2013 [-]
New research finds live birth began 175 million years ago
12/16/2013 [-]
Newly-Found Horse Fossil Is 4.4 Million Years Old
12/13/2013 [-]
Fossils of 4.4-Million-Year-Old Horse Found
12/12/2013 [-]
Scientists Discover 4M-Year-Old Horse Fossil In Ethiopia
12/12/2013 [-]
Unidirectional Breathing Technique Developed 100 Million Years Before Birds
12/12/2013 [-]
One-way airflow in birds and reptiles may be 270 million years old
12/06/2013 [-]
Fossil Evidence Indicates Fig Wasps Were Here Long Before Fig Trees
12/06/2013 [-]
One Million Years JCB
11/30/2013 [-]
How T Rex tissue was preserved for 68million years
11/29/2013 [-]
Fossilised faeces found to date back 240 million years
11/27/2013 [-]
VIDEO For sale 150 million-year-old dinosaur
11/22/2013 [-]
100-million-year-old ocean found under Chesapeake Bay 22 Nov 2013 125806 GMT
11/22/2013 [-]
100 Million Year Old Seawater Discovered Under Chesapeake Bay
11/18/2013 [-]
Seawater found near Chesapeake Bay up to 150 million years old
11/11/2013 [-]
New fossil find shows lipids are 380 million years old
11/09/2013 [-]
CIA pays AT and T more than millionyear for accessing phone data
11/07/2013 [-]
Alberta construction crew makes ‘rare discovery’ the fossilized remains of a 68-million-year-old hadrosaur
11/07/2013 [-]
Alberta construction crew makes ‘rare discovery’ the fossilized remains of a 68-million-year-old hadrosaur
11/06/2013 [-]
Tooth found linked to 5 million year old platypus
11/05/2013 [-]
Antarctic Ice Core Could Hold 1.5 Million Years of Climate History
11/02/2013 [-]
Life on Earth Sun to End in 2.8 Million Years
10/31/2013 [-]
Dinosaur walks the walk 94 million years on
10/30/2013 [-]
100-million-year-old bird tracks Australias oldest
10/29/2013 [-]
100-Million-Year-Old Footprints Found at Dinosaur Cove in Australia
10/29/2013 [-]
Australia’s Oldest Bird Footprints Discovered Tracks Were Formed 100 Million Years Ago PHOTOS
10/28/2013 [-]
Bird footprints 100 million years old Oldest ever found in Australia
10/24/2013 [-]
Bees almost became extinct 65 million years ago
10/23/2013 [-]
Kenya KQ Targets Sh60 Million Yearly for Wildlife Protection
10/22/2013 [-]
Million Year Data Storage Disc is Debuted
10/22/2013 [-]
Goblin Valley scout leaders receive death threats after destroying 200-million-year-old rock formation
10/21/2013 [-]
Goblin Valley Watch Boy Scout leaders destroy 200 million-year-old rock formation
10/19/2013 [-]
170 Million Years in the Making, Only Seconds to Destroy Updated
10/19/2013 [-]
1.8 million-year-old skull may revise understanding of human evolution
10/19/2013 [-]
Man topples 200-million-year-old boulder
10/19/2013 [-]
RAW FOOTAGE 1_8 million-year-old Skull Found In Georgia
10/19/2013 [-]
Vandals film selves destroying 200 million-year-old rock formation
10/18/2013 [-]
Complete skull of 1.8-million-year-old hominin found
10/18/2013 [-]
Rare 1.8 Million-Year-Old Skull Fossil Suggests Early Humans Belonged To Same Species
10/18/2013 [-]
Perfectly preserved 1.8 million-year-old skull could re-write history of human evolution
10/18/2013 [-]
Discovery of pre-human skull nearly two-million-years-old gives vivid picture of early evolution
10/18/2013 [-]
1.8 million-year-old skull gives glimpse of our evolution
10/18/2013 [-]
Discovery of two-million-year-old pre-human skull gives vivid picture of early evolution
10/17/2013 [-]
1.8 million-year-old skull changes views on human species' origin
10/17/2013 [-]
520-million-year-old insect fossil reveals its NERVOUS SYSTEM
10/15/2013 [-]
The 46-million-year-old meal Scientists discover mosquito fossil
10/15/2013 [-]
46-million-year-old mosquitos last meal is the oldest blood ever discovered
10/15/2013 [-]
Blood found in 46-million-year-old mosquito
10/15/2013 [-]
Trapped In A Fossil Remnants Of A 46-Million-Year-Old Meal
10/11/2013 [-]
Comet Strike Evidence in Egypt Earth Destroyed 28 Million Years Ago Say Researchers
10/11/2013 [-]
Argentina uncovers 235 million-year-old fossil
10/10/2013 [-]
120-million-year-old b
10/07/2013 [-]
Human Assault Pushes Ocean to Limit Unseen in 300 Million Years
10/06/2013 [-]
Face to face with great whites to solve '450-million-year mystery'
10/02/2013 [-]
Flowering Plants Evolved 100 Million Years Earlier Than Believed
10/02/2013 [-]
Pollen fossils show flowers on Earth 100 million years earlier than thought
09/27/2013 [-]
Worlds oldest face Fossilised fish thats 419 MILLION years old found in reservoir
09/27/2013 [-]
Earth Had Oxygen 700 Million Years Earlier than Believed
09/26/2013 [-]
Saving face 429-million-year-old fish has modern jaw
09/26/2013 [-]
Jaw-dropping discovery of 419-million-year-old fossil
09/24/2013 [-]
New Evidence Indicates Moon Is 100 Million Years Younger Than Thought
09/14/2013 [-]
Peru discovers whale fossils in desert dating back 40 million years
09/05/2013 [-]
West Antarctica's Ice Sheet 20 Million Years Older Than Previosuly Estimated
09/05/2013 [-]
360-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Scorpion Remains Found in Eastern Cape
09/03/2013 [-]
South Africa Researcher Finds 350 Million-Year-Old Scorpion
09/03/2013 [-]
South Africa Researcher Finds 350 Million-Year-Old Scorpion
09/01/2013 [-]
The oceans are acidifying at the fastest rate in 300 million years
08/31/2013 [-]
Earth may have become blue planet 200 million years after birth
08/29/2013 [-]
Facebook Spammers Earn Million per Year
08/20/2013 [-]
Observatory 160-Million-Year-Old Fossil of an Omnivore
08/16/2013 [-]
Early Humans Inhabited China About 1.7 Million Years Ago
08/16/2013 [-]
Chinese super-rat roamed Earth 160 million years ago
08/15/2013 [-]
Early humans lived in China 1.7 million years ago researchers find
08/15/2013 [-]
Jurassic rat 160 million-year-old creature said to be earliest rodent
08/15/2013 [-]
Early Humans Lived in China 1.7 Million Years Ago
08/08/2013 [-]
BBC paid Graham Norton £2.61million last year
08/07/2013 [-]
150 million-year-old dino eggshells found in Portugal floodplains
08/02/2013 [-]
Nigeria Reps Receive N146 Million Yearly Not N29 Million, Says Ex-Lawmaker
08/01/2013 [-]
Nigeria Reps Receive N146 Million Yearly Not N29 Million Says Ex-Lawmaker
07/26/2013 [-]
72 million-year-old dinosaur tail found
07/24/2013 [-]
Giant Fish Swam the Oceans 160 Million Years Ago
07/13/2013 [-]
Study Air Pollution Kills 2 Million Yearly
07/13/2013 [-]
Man confesses to stealing 70-million-year-old dinosaur fossil
07/11/2013 [-]
400 Million Year Old Impact Crater Sits Below Iowa Town
07/11/2013 [-]
Carnivorous dinosaurs roamed Nagasaki 84 million years ago
07/10/2013 [-]
New hyper-accurate clock only loses time every 300 million years, could ‘redefine the second’
07/10/2013 [-]
New analysis finds human language to be one million years old
07/09/2013 [-]
23-million-year-old lizard fossil found in Mexico
07/08/2013 [-]
23-million-year-old lizard fossil discovered in Mexico
07/08/2013 [-]
23 million-year-old lizard fossil found in Mexico
07/06/2013 [-]
23 million-year-old fossil found in Mexico
07/02/2013 [-]
Bizarre 500-Million-Year-Old Fossil Unearthed
07/02/2013 [-]
Iridescent beetle shimmers for 49 million years
06/29/2013 [-]
125 million-year-old sneaky flea dined on flying reptiles
06/27/2013 [-]
Bizarre 500-Million-Year-Old Creature Unearthed
06/26/2013 [-]
500 Million Years Old Creature is Unearthed in Morocco
06/25/2013 [-]
US Dem_ Senate Gives Million A Year To Brazilian Cotton Farmers
06/25/2013 [-]
250 Million Years Old Fossils Couple Found in South Africa
06/17/2013 [-]
Cold Snap 116 Million Years Ago Triggered Global Cooling
06/14/2013 [-]
Soft muscle from a 380 million years old fish discovered
06/14/2013 [-]
Abs first evolved 380 million years ago in armoured fish
06/14/2013 [-]
Flying dinosaurs roamed England 110 million years ago
06/05/2013 [-]
Over 400-Million-Year-Old Spiny Shark Fossils Found in Spain
06/05/2013 [-]
Giant lizard that lived 40 million years ago found in Myanmar
06/04/2013 [-]
400-Million-Year-Old 'Spiny Shark' Fossil Found
06/02/2013 [-]
Spanish explorers find three-million-year-old Martian meteorite in Tunisian desert
05/29/2013 [-]
Antarctic polar icecap formed '33.6 million years ago'
05/29/2013 [-]
Liberia CDC Collects Million Yearly
05/29/2013 [-]
Antarctica's Ecosystem Is 33 Million Years Old
05/28/2013 [-]
Organisms In 33.6 Million Year Old Ice Pack Evolved To Survive
05/28/2013 [-]
Dubai passenger traffic increased by 16.3 to 21.9 million year to date
05/22/2013 [-]
Crocodiles Species Were Abundant Just A Few Million Years Ago
05/17/2013 [-]
Atmospheric CO2 at highest levels in 3 million years
05/11/2013 [-]
Human activity pushes atmospheric carbon dioxide to highest level in 3 million years
05/11/2013 [-]
Human hunting originated 2 million years ago
05/11/2013 [-]
Greenhouse gas level highest in 2 million years
05/11/2013 [-]
Global CO2 Level Reaches 400PPM Highest in 3.6 Million Years
05/11/2013 [-]
Global CO2 Level Reaches 400PPM, Highest in 3.6 Million Years
05/10/2013 [-]
Carbon pollution hits highest point in 3 million years
05/10/2013 [-]
Scientists Drill Back 3.6 Million Years in Siberian Lake
05/06/2013 [-]
70-million-year-old smuggled dinosaur skeleton returned to Mongolia
05/06/2013 [-]
Video How do you smuggle 70 million-year-old dinosaur bones
05/04/2013 [-]
Greenhouse Gas to Reach 3-Million-Year High
04/21/2013 [-]
Madagascar dinosaur discovery knocks 20 million years off fossil record gap
04/14/2013 [-]
2-million-year-old creature had mix of ape human traits
04/13/2013 [-]
2-million-year-old creature had mix of ape, human traits
04/13/2013 [-]
Two million-year-old creature had mix of ape, human traits
04/10/2013 [-]
190 million-year-old dinosaur embryos excavated in China shed light on development
04/04/2013 [-]
Barclays Shame of bank that paid £170million a year in bonuses
03/27/2013 [-]
Nearly 12-Million-Year-Old Penguin Fossils Discovered in South Africa
03/25/2013 [-]
Kid brings in 300 million-year-old fossil for show and tell
03/23/2013 [-]
Too Much Salt Linked To 2.3 Million Yearly Deaths Worldwide
03/22/2013 [-]
Universe 80 million years older than previously thought
03/22/2013 [-]
Big Bang evidence Universe 80 million years older
03/22/2013 [-]
Cosmos Might Be A Few Million Years Older Than Advertised
03/21/2013 [-]
Universe adds extra 80 million years, findings say
03/16/2013 [-]
Habitat Changes Caused Turtle Collapse 71 Million Years Ago
03/16/2013 [-]
5-Million-Year-Old Saber-Toothed Cat Fossil Discovered
03/15/2013 [-]
Urals meteorite broke off asteroid million years ago – scientist
03/13/2013 [-]
Burgess Shale find pushes fossil record back 200 million years
02/28/2013 [-]
500-Million-Year-Old Sea Creature With Limbs Under Its Head Unearthed
02/25/2013 [-]
Rock for doorstop is 450-million-year-old fossil
02/22/2013 [-]
Argentina January Trade Surplus Million Down From Million Year Earlier
02/22/2013 [-]
50-Million-Year-Old Canada Rivaled Tropics in Diversity
02/10/2013 [-]
Rare exhibits dating back 150 million years to go on display
02/07/2013 [-]
Half-Million-Year-Old Human Jawbone Found
02/07/2013 [-]
Collision Between India and Asia Occurred 10 Million Years Earlier Than Previously Thought
02/05/2013 [-]
Oldest crabs found in Spain; spider variety lived 100 million years ago
01/31/2013 [-]
Tapeworm eggs found in 270 million year old fossil shark poo
01/29/2013 [-]
The 300-million-year-old fossil that inspired Alien
01/24/2013 [-]
New 2-million-year-old fossil fox found in Sterkfontein
01/18/2013 [-]
500-Million-Year-Old Animal Looked Like a Tulip
01/03/2013 [-]
Truffles are 156 million years old
12/31/2012 [-]
Iranian researcher finds 73-million-year-old fossil near Kermanshah
12/24/2012 [-]
9-Million-Year-Old Rhinoceros Fossil in Turkey
12/20/2012 [-]
'Extinct' whale found after 2 million years
12/19/2012 [-]
Found Whale Thought Extinct for 2 Million Years
12/15/2012 [-]
Christmas Trees Haven't Changed Much Over The Past 100 Million Years
12/13/2012 [-]
Hubble Spots the Youngest Ever Galaxies, Just 380 Million Years Old
12/08/2012 [-]
Bizarre Creature Found in 200-Million-Year-Old Cocoon
12/06/2012 [-]
First Stars Born Short 750 Million Years After The Big Bang
12/05/2012 [-]
Video Oldest dinosaur identified lived 245 million years ago
12/01/2012 [-]
Grand Canyon May Be 60 Million Years Older Than Previously Thought
11/30/2012 [-]
Grand Canyon 70 million years old new study finds
11/30/2012 [-]
Grand Canyon May Be At Least 70 Million Years Old
11/29/2012 [-]
Grand Canyon is actually 65million years older than thought
11/27/2012 [-]
Loughborough academics excited by their research on two million year old skeletons
11/26/2012 [-]
Rhino 'cooked to death' 9 million years ago
11/26/2012 [-]
Rhino 'Cooked to Death' 9 Million Years Ago, Fossil Reveals
11/23/2012 [-]
9.2 Million Year Old Rhino Skull Preserved in Volcanic Rock
11/18/2012 [-]
Rocket fire from Gaza could destroy Israel — in 4 million years
11/17/2012 [-]
Human Ancestors Used Stone Tips For Hunting Earlier Than Previously Believed
11/16/2012 [-]
Equator Ran Through Western North America 450 Million Years Ago
11/05/2012 [-]
Global Warming 250 Million Years Ago Triggered Slow Species Recovery
11/02/2012 [-]
Number of children in married families drops 1million in ten years
10/29/2012 [-]
Origins of sight 700 million years old new research claims
10/26/2012 [-]
Feathered dinosaurs 75 million-year-old fossils discovered in North America
10/26/2012 [-]
100-Million-Year-Old Fossil From Texas Is New Fish Species
10/19/2012 [-]
Early Triassic's Stifling Heat Made Earth Hostile to Life, Scientists Say
10/18/2012 [-]
10/14/2012 [-]
Volunteers Chipping Away at 82 Million-Year-Old Sea Monster
10/11/2012 [-]
Complex brains developed 520 million years ago new fossil shows
10/09/2012 [-]
Fossil with 100-million-year-old spider attacking a wasp discovered
10/08/2012 [-]
100-Million-Year-Old Spider Attack Found in Amber
09/28/2012 [-]
Soon, data card that will last for '100 million years'
09/27/2012 [-]
300-million-year-old bugs now in 3-D
09/26/2012 [-]
Baby Bugs from 300 Million Years Ago Pictured in 3D
09/26/2012 [-]
Images of 300 million-year-old insects revealed
09/23/2012 [-]
Humans hunted for meat 2 million years ago
09/21/2012 [-]
50-Million-Year-Old Redwood Chunk Found in Diamond Mine
09/08/2012 [-]
Living fossil outlasts descendants by 150 million years
09/03/2012 [-]
Biodivesrity will increase with temperature per 540 million years of data
09/01/2012 [-]
140 million-year-old ancient supervolcano discovered in Hong Kong
08/28/2012 [-]
Prehistoric tiny bugs found…
08/28/2012 [-]
230-Million-Year-Old Mite Found in Amber
08/28/2012 [-]
230-million-year-old bugs found in Italian amber
08/28/2012 [-]
230 million-year-old bugs in 'tantalising' prehistoric trap
08/27/2012 [-]
Prehistoric bugs from 230 million years ago found trapped in amber unearthed in Italy
08/27/2012 [-]
Prehistoric tiny bugs found trapped in amber; 230 million years old
08/27/2012 [-]
Prehistoric bugs from 230 million years ago found
08/25/2012 [-]
Nigeria U.S.40 Million Yearly Payment We Worked for It Tompolo
08/23/2012 [-]
Nigeria Niger Delta Jonathan Pays Four Warlords U.S.40 Million Yearly
08/16/2012 [-]
Dog stumbles upon 300 million-year-old fossil
08/16/2012 [-]
The Tibetan Plateau Is 30 Million Years Old
08/11/2012 [-]
More Than A Million Years of Climate History Revealed
08/10/2012 [-]
1.5 million years of climate history revealed
07/28/2012 [-]
Nautilus Survives 500 Million Year, Until Humans Fancy It
07/25/2012 [-]
500 Million-Year-Old 'Mistake' Led to Humans
07/25/2012 [-]
Some Human Diseases Originated 500 Million Years Ago
07/25/2012 [-]
Nintendo says Q1 Wii sales 710,000, vs 1.56 million year ago
07/14/2012 [-]
1.9-million year old fossil of human ancestor found in South African lab
07/13/2012 [-]
2 million-year-old skeleton found in Cradle of Humankind
07/13/2012 [-]
A Million-Year Hard Disk
07/11/2012 [-]
500-Million-Year-Old Bacterial Gene Resurrected
07/05/2012 [-]
Milky Way Collided with Another Galaxy 100 Million Years Ago
07/03/2012 [-]
Renesas seeks 5,000 job cuts for 542 million yearly savings
07/03/2012 [-]
Renesas seeks 5,000 job cuts for million yearly savings
06/30/2012 [-]
Milky Way collision reverberating 100 million years later
06/29/2012 [-]
Million year old fossil discovered
06/22/2012 [-]
2.8 million years of climate data lurking in Russian lake
06/19/2012 [-]
Million-year-old water found under Maryland
05/28/2012 [-]
End-Permian Crisis Recovery Took Earth 10 Million Years
05/28/2012 [-]
Life Needed 10 Million Years to Recover After Largest Extinction
05/28/2012 [-]
Life After Death 'Great Dying' Recovery Took 10 Million Years
05/24/2012 [-]
Ocean acidity increasing at unprecedented rate not seen in last 300 million years
05/23/2012 [-]
Bacteria that haven't eaten for 86 million years found
05/21/2012 [-]
Squid ink melanin lasts 160 million years
05/19/2012 [-]
150-Million-Year-Old Pliosaur Had Arthritic Jaw
05/16/2012 [-]
First Record Of 1 Million Year Old Pollinating Insects Discovered
05/07/2012 [-]
Cheaper blindness drug may save NHS £85million each year
05/01/2012 [-]
25-million-year-old bird fossil found in La Rioja
04/28/2012 [-]
Nigeria U.S. Spends U.S.470 Million Yearly On HIV/Aids in Country Envoy
04/20/2012 [-]
Dirtiness Costs Nation U.S.17.5 Million Yearly
04/12/2012 [-]
70-Million-Year-Old Eggs Of Mysterious Dinosaur Discovered In South America
04/04/2012 [-]
Humans Used Fire A Million Years Ago
04/03/2012 [-]
Ash traces hint at cave cuisine 1 million years ago
04/03/2012 [-]
Study Fire Used Million Years Ago
04/03/2012 [-]
Human ancestors used fire a million years ago
04/03/2012 [-]
Hominids Used Fire One Million Years Ago
04/02/2012 [-]
Study Our ancestors used fire a million years ago
03/29/2012 [-]
Ethiopia Scientists Discover 3.4 Million Year Old Partial Foot in Afar
03/29/2012 [-]
Country Has 65-Million Year Fossils Potential Specialist
03/29/2012 [-]
Angola Country Has 65-Million Year Fossils Potential Specialist
03/12/2012 [-]
Nigeria Citizens Spend 50 Million Yearly On Austrian Lace Envoy
03/09/2012 [-]
7-Million-Year-Old Clues To Elephant Social Complexity
03/05/2012 [-]
500million-year-old worm is our oldest ancestor
03/05/2012 [-]
Oceans' Acidity at Highest Point in 300 Million Years
03/05/2012 [-]
Oceans Acidifying Faster Today Than In Past 300 Million Years
03/04/2012 [-]
Ex-Berkshire exec gets million yearly
03/02/2012 [-]
Oceans Turning Acidic Faster than Past 300 Million Years
03/02/2012 [-]
World's oceans becoming more acidic at fastest rate for 300 million years
03/02/2012 [-]
Oceans' acidic shift may be fastest in 300 million years
03/02/2012 [-]
Oceans' acidic shift fastest in 300 million years
03/01/2012 [-]
Oceans' acidic shift may be fastest in 300 million years
03/01/2012 [-]
Blackstone CEO Schwarzman's million year
03/01/2012 [-]
Huge Penguins Lived in New Zealand 25 Million Years Ago
03/01/2012 [-]
120 Million-Year-Old 'Ghost Dragon' Pterosaur Discovered in China
02/29/2012 [-]
26 million years later, extinct giant penguin constructed
02/23/2012 [-]
Scientists Find 300M-Year-Old Forest
02/22/2012 [-]
300-Million-Year-Old Forest Discovered Under Ashes in China
02/22/2012 [-]
Ancient Forest Found Preserved in 300-Million-Year-Old Ash
02/22/2012 [-]
300-million-year-old 'Chinese Pompeii' found buried under volcanic ash
02/21/2012 [-]
300-Million-Year-Old Forest Discovered Preserved in Volanic Ash
02/21/2012 [-]
298million-year-old forest found preserved by volcanic ash in China
02/20/2012 [-]
The Moon May Have Been Active 50 Million Years Ago
02/07/2012 [-]
Britons bin 17m gadgets worth £762 MILLION every year
02/07/2012 [-]
Scientist Reach 20 Million Year Old Lake in Antarctica
02/07/2012 [-]
Russian scientists drill into Antarctic lake sealed off for 15 million years
02/07/2012 [-]
165-Million-Year-Old Cricket Croonings Resurrected From Fossil
02/06/2012 [-]
Scientists Reach Hidden 'Alien' Lake
02/05/2012 [-]
Russians drill 20-million-year-old Antarctic lake
02/05/2012 [-]
Mars Has Been Suffering Through 600 Million Year Drought
02/05/2012 [-]
Life ruled out on Mars after 600 million year drought
02/04/2012 [-]
20 Million Years Later, Russians Work To Drill Into Lake
02/04/2012 [-]
Mars Has Been Suffering A 600 Million Year Drought
02/04/2012 [-]
A Battle Of The Vampires, 20 Million Years Ago
02/04/2012 [-]
Life on Mars Not for last 600 million years at least, say scientists
02/04/2012 [-]
No Mars Life After 600-Million-Year Drought
02/04/2012 [-]
Battle of Vampires, 20 Million Years Ago
01/25/2012 [-]
190-million-year-old dinosaur nesting site found
01/24/2012 [-]
Fossils in South Africa reveal dinosaur nesting site 190 million years old
01/24/2012 [-]
190 million-year-old dinosaur nesting site found
01/19/2012 [-]
500-Million-Year-Old 'Tulip' Creature Had Bizarre Gut
01/19/2012 [-]
500 million-year-old 'tulip' in a class by itself
01/19/2012 [-]
500 million-year-old 'tulip' in a class by itself
01/19/2012 [-]
500 Million-Year-Old 'Tulip' Had Bizarre Gut
01/18/2012 [-]
Country Losing Over U.S.500 Million Yearly
01/17/2012 [-]
2-timing and hybrids RUB researchers look back on 100 million years of evolution
01/11/2012 [-]
50-million-year-old Cricket and Katydid Fossils From Colorado Hint at Origin of Insect Hearing
01/07/2012 [-]
Faces of our 7-million-year old ancestors recreated from fossil skulls
01/05/2012 [-]
65 Million Years of Mammal Evolution
12/27/2011 [-]
Over 65 million years, North American mammal evolution has tracked with climate change
12/24/2011 [-]
600-Million-Year-Old Microscopic Fossils Upend Evolution Theory
12/07/2011 [-]
Ancient Hyper-carnivore Species Survived For 35 Million Years
12/07/2011 [-]
Meat-loving predator survived 35 million years
12/06/2011 [-]
Ancient Predators Survived for 35 Million Years
12/06/2011 [-]
Permian extinction survivor lasts 35 million years
12/03/2011 [-]
Tigers never changed much even in two million years
12/03/2011 [-]
Tigers never changed much even in two million years?
11/24/2011 [-]
Doh! Homer lived a million years ago
11/24/2011 [-]
Our ancestors speak out after 3 million years
11/18/2011 [-]
Multimillion-year-old skull may hold key to human origins
11/18/2011 [-]
Two million year old skeletons discovered
11/16/2011 [-]
47 million year old moths in color
11/16/2011 [-]
Hardy bugs could survive a million years on Mars
11/15/2011 [-]
Moth's True Colors Shine After 47 Million years
11/12/2011 [-]
Two-million-year-old bones show human links
11/09/2011 [-]
Did Dinosaurs Become Extinct 65.5 Million Years Ago?
11/09/2011 [-]
Methane Could Be The Answer To 56-million-year Question
11/04/2011 [-]
Sabre-toothed squirrel darted around dinosaurs 100 million year ago
11/02/2011 [-]
Six million year old worms destroy fossil records
11/01/2011 [-]
Three-Million-Year-Old Fossil Reveals 'Zombie' Worm
11/01/2011 [-]
In this mega-deal, both sides are winners
10/26/2011 [-]
Species Stabilized 8 Million Years After Permian Extinction
10/24/2011 [-]
Petrified Forest of Chemnitz dated at 291 million years
10/21/2011 [-]
New cycads on the block plants only 10 million years old
10/20/2011 [-]
A 56-million-year-old lesson in climate change
10/19/2011 [-]
Hardy bugs could survive a million years on Mars
10/14/2011 [-]
Two-million-year-old bones show human links
10/13/2011 [-]
The shifting face of a 200-million-year-old mystery
10/12/2011 [-]
African Rodents Invaded Brazil 41 Million Years Ago
10/07/2011 [-]
Living Species of Aquatic Beetle Found in 20-Million-Year-Old Sediments
10/06/2011 [-]
Aquatic Beetle Found In 20-million-year-old Sediments
10/06/2011 [-]
120 million year old silky lacewing
10/05/2011 [-]
Lungfish provide insights into evolution of life on land 400 million years ago
10/05/2011 [-]
Earliest psychomyiid caddisfly fossils, from 100-million-year-old Burmese amber
10/05/2011 [-]
150 million year old stone for new Green Park Tube station
09/29/2011 [-]
Sri Lanka Spends RM14 Million Yearly To Curb Rabies
09/25/2011 [-]
1.5-million-year-old upper jaw of human ancestor discovered
09/21/2011 [-]
50-Million-Year-Old Clam Shells Provide Indications of Future of El Nino Phenomenon
09/20/2011 [-]
50-million-year-old Clam Shells Hint At Future Of El Niño Phenomenon
09/19/2011 [-]
Workers Find 7-Million-Year-Old Beaver Teeth in Oregon
09/19/2011 [-]
Workers Find 7-Million-Year-Old Beaver Teeth in U.S.
09/18/2011 [-]
Officials say beaver teeth are 7 million years old
09/16/2011 [-]
Namibia Swapo Will Rule 'A Million Years'
09/16/2011 [-]
Girl Digs Up A 160 Million Year Old Fossil
09/15/2011 [-]
Magnificent million year old gypsum crystals
09/15/2011 [-]
Discovery of 200 Skeletons the old Australian 2 million years old
09/14/2011 [-]
Dinosaur Hatchling From 110 Million Years Ago Discovered
09/10/2011 [-]
Two-million-year-old South Africa fossils show links to man 9/8/2011 Reuters
09/09/2011 [-]
South Africa Is This 1.9-Million-Year-Old Hand Human?
09/09/2011 [-]
2-million-year-old fossils raise hope over 'missing link'
09/09/2011 [-]
Two-million-year-old South Africa fossils show links to man Yesterday Reuters
09/09/2011 [-]
Our oldest human ancestor lived 1.98 million years ago
09/09/2011 [-]
Possible human relative, 2 million years old, a ‘snapshot of evolution in action’
09/08/2011 [-]
Two-million-year-old South Africa fossils show links to man
09/08/2011 [-]
160-million-year-old fossil discovery represents early mammal� evolution
09/06/2011 [-]
Australian Scientists Reproduce 60-Million-Year Old Wallaby Gene
09/05/2011 [-]
First chefs were cooking almost 2 million years ago
09/04/2011 [-]
Climate in the Past Million Years Determined Greatly by Dust in the Southern Ocean
09/01/2011 [-]
Humans Shaped Stone Axes 1.8 Million Years Ago
08/29/2011 [-]
Not So Fast--Researchers Find That Lasting Evolutionary Change Takes About One Million Years
08/26/2011 [-]
Chile Copec 2Q Net Profit Rises To Million Vs Million Year-Ago
08/23/2011 [-]
Evolutionary change takes one million years
08/23/2011 [-]
Ancestors began cooking 1.9 million years ago
08/23/2011 [-]
Uganda Researchers Find 20-Million-Year-Old Hominid Skull
08/22/2011 [-]
Man Entered the Kitchen 1.9 Million Years Ago
08/18/2011 [-]
200 Million Years Younger Than Thought
08/18/2011 [-]
New Moon 200 Million Years Younger Than Thought
08/18/2011 [-]
Moon may be 200 million years younger than previously thought
08/16/2011 [-]
300 million year old gene still active
08/13/2011 [-]
Chile Cap 2Q Net Profit Million Vs Million Year-Ago
08/12/2011 [-]
Bird bones could be one million years old
08/12/2011 [-]
78-Million-Year-Old Fossils of Adult and Its Embryo Provide First Evidence of Live Birth
08/09/2011 [-]
Detailed fossilized insect remains preserved in amber for over 23 million years
08/05/2011 [-]
The Last 3 Million Years At A Snail's Pace
08/05/2011 [-]
6 million years of African savanna
08/05/2011 [-]
20-million-year-old primate skull disc..
08/04/2011 [-]
20 million year old ape skull found in Uganda
08/04/2011 [-]
Our 20million-year-old ancestor Fossil of ancient ape found in volcano
08/04/2011 [-]
Six million years of savanna Grasslands, wooded grasslands accompanied human evolution
08/02/2011 [-]
20-million-year-old ape skull found in Uganda
08/02/2011 [-]
20-million year-old ape skull found in Uganda
08/02/2011 [-]
20 million year old ape skull discovered in Uganda
08/02/2011 [-]
Remains of 20 million-year old ape found in Uganda
08/01/2011 [-]
Common Ancestor Had Advanced Brain 600 Million Years Ago
07/26/2011 [-]
120-Million-Year-Old Pregnant Lizard Fossil Discovered
07/23/2011 [-]
This lizard's been pregnant 120 million years
07/22/2011 [-]
120 million-year-old fossil is the ?world?s oldest pregnant lizard?, say scientists
07/22/2011 [-]
120 million-year-old fossil is the 'world's oldest pregnant lizard'
07/21/2011 [-]
New Texas Native 96-million-year-old Croc
07/21/2011 [-]
120 Million-year-old Fossil Lizard Found Pregnant
07/20/2011 [-]
96-million-year-old fossil suggests prehistoric crocodile Terminonaris was Texas native
07/20/2011 [-]
Oakville man finds 445-million-year-old fossils
07/07/2011 [-]
Animal jaw same for 400 million years
07/06/2011 [-]
Jaw design locked in 400 million years ago
07/06/2011 [-]
How hot was earth 50 million years ago
07/04/2011 [-]
Mayfly to tell secret 100 million year..
07/01/2011 [-]
515million-year-old fossils reveal prehistoric animals had far better vision than previously thought
07/01/2011 [-]
How Birds Looked Like 100 Million Years Ago
06/30/2011 [-]
Scientists discover colours of 120-million-year-old bird
06/28/2011 [-]
Antarctic Vegetation Disappeared 12 Million Years Ago
06/28/2011 [-]
Antarctic Tundra Until 12 Million Years Ago
06/23/2011 [-]
Pandora's cluster 'is a result of 350-million-year-old crash'
06/15/2011 [-]
MPs urge scrapping of £280million-a-year India aid deal
06/07/2011 [-]
700-Million-Year-Old Fossils Oldest Armored Creature?
06/07/2011 [-]
500-million-year-old fossils returned to N.L.
06/06/2011 [-]
WHO Unhealthy Lifestyles to Kill 52 Million Yearly By 2030
06/04/2011 [-]
Ebro Margins 6 Million Years Ago
05/20/2011 [-]
A 49-million-year-old spider face — in 3-D
05/20/2011 [-]
Huntsman 49 million-year-old fossilised spider recreated using 3D imaging technology
05/20/2011 [-]
Spider Trapped For 49M Years
05/19/2011 [-]
Astounding 49 Million-Year-Old Face of Spider Frozen in Amber
05/19/2011 [-]
Computer imaging gives 3D view of 49 million-year-old spider
05/19/2011 [-]
49-million years old spider now gets 3-D makeover
05/19/2011 [-]
3D Imagery Reveals 49-Million-Year-Old Spider
05/10/2011 [-]
Flowers' Rapid Growth Rate Can Be Traced Back 65 Million Years
05/03/2011 [-]
'Nutcracker Man' dined on grasses, not nuts one million years ago!
05/02/2011 [-]
Endogenous Proteins Found in a 70-Million-Year Old Giant Marine Lizard
05/02/2011 [-]
300 million year old fossil fish brain discovered
04/29/2011 [-]
The hunt is on for million-year-old ice core
04/21/2011 [-]
Spider Fossil Found From 165 Million Years Ago
04/19/2011 [-]
Insects inside amber fossils 20 million years old
04/18/2011 [-]
Fossilized Insects 20 Million Years Old Pictures
04/11/2011 [-]
Miner finds 300 million year old shark fossil
04/10/2011 [-]
Man finds 300 million-year-old shark fossil inside mine
04/10/2011 [-]
300 Million Year Old Shark Fossil Found 700ft Down In Kentucky Mine
04/09/2011 [-]
Kentucky man finds 300 million-year-old shark fossil deep inside mine
03/31/2011 [-]
Green Toad Inhabited Iberian Peninsula One Million Years Ago
03/28/2011 [-]
Sedimentary Differences on Either Side of Border Date Back 120 Million Years
03/25/2011 [-]
'Saber-toothed' vegetarian prowled Brazil 260 million years ago
03/25/2011 [-]
Remarkable Fossil, 525 Million Years Old
03/22/2011 [-]
Marine methane reservoirs much larger 550 million years ago
03/17/2011 [-]
Girl, 5, unearths 160 million-year-old fossil using plastic seaside spade
03/13/2011 [-]
RBS paid 300 staff £1million each last year
03/11/2011 [-]
RPT-US IPO bank fees at million year to date-data
03/11/2011 [-]
Nigeria Steel Local Manufacturers Lose U.S.350 Million Yearly
03/09/2011 [-]
Fossil found in Lampang is 13 million years old
03/08/2011 [-]
Extinct invertebrates caught in a 40 million year old sex act
03/05/2011 [-]
Fifty-Five Million Year Old Horse Teeth Reveal Evolution Lags Behind Diet
03/03/2011 [-]
10-15 Million Years Older
03/01/2011 [-]
Rare 89 million-year-old flying reptile fossil from Texas may be world's oldest Pteranodon
03/01/2011 [-]
40-million-year-old mating mites reveal sex role reversal
02/19/2011 [-]
190 million-year-old bird-hipped dino fossils found in Antarctic mountains
02/17/2011 [-]
Fossils Of 600 Million Year Old Worm-Like Animals Found
02/17/2011 [-]
Tuberculosis Kills 2 Million Yearly, But Rare In U.S. 16 Feb 2011 232016 GMT
02/14/2011 [-]
GRB Struck Earth with Half Million Years of Sunlight
02/12/2011 [-]
Milky Way Ate Its Last Galaxy 700 Million Years Ago
02/12/2011 [-]
Foot bone shows humans walked upright 3.2 million years ago
02/11/2011 [-]
'Lucy' walked on two feet with human ancestors 3.2 million years ago
02/11/2011 [-]
Fossil suggests prehumans walked upright 3 million years ago
02/11/2011 [-]
Human ancestors walked 3 million years ago
02/10/2011 [-]
Ancient foot bone shows human-like walking possible for 'Lucy', other 3 million-year-old kin
02/10/2011 [-]
Fossil shows man walked tall 3million years ago
02/09/2011 [-]
Scientists Use Modeling to Analyze 100+ Million Year Old Dino Footprints
02/09/2011 [-]
Species Found Unchanged After 100 Million Years
02/07/2011 [-]
54 million year old rabbit fossil – world's oldest
02/06/2011 [-]
China displays 54 million-year-old rabbit skull
02/05/2011 [-]
Fossil find cricket unchanged in 100 million years
02/04/2011 [-]
26 million year old armadillo discovered
02/03/2011 [-]
Rare Fossil Reveals 100 Million Years Of Evolutionary Stasis
02/03/2011 [-]
Rare insect fossil reveals 100 million years of evolutionary stasis
01/30/2011 [-]
Child Finds 33-Million-Year-Old Animal Skull
01/28/2011 [-]
Humans left the trees 4.2 million years ago
01/28/2011 [-]
Watch Girl Finds 33-Million-Year Old Cat Skull
01/26/2011 [-]
Scientists claim earliest galaxy so far, 480 million years after Big Bang; confirmation needed
01/21/2011 [-]
160 million-year-old pterodactyl fossil solves dino sex riddle
01/21/2011 [-]
85 million-year-old fossil found in Peru
01/18/2011 [-]
Beer made from 45-million-year-old yeast a hit
01/07/2011 [-]
Drill Close to Reaching 14-Million-Year-Old Antarctic Lake
01/06/2011 [-]
Oceans went oxygen-poor '499million years ago after animals appeared on Earth'
01/05/2011 [-]
22-Million-Year-Old Fossils
12/23/2010 [-]
Climate Change Study Digs Into Half a Million Years of History
12/21/2010 [-]
Crocodiles live on grasses, 66million years ago
12/19/2010 [-]
550 million year old oxygen enzyme explains animal life explosion
12/17/2010 [-]
Scientists discover raptor-like dinosaur dating back 125 million years in US
12/16/2010 [-]
2-Million-Year-Old 'Mummy Trees' Reveal Harsh Climate
12/14/2010 [-]
Oldest Fossils Found In Cordillera Betica Mountain Range, 444 Million Year Old Ordovician Conodonts
12/11/2010 [-]
100-million-year-old crocodile specie
12/04/2010 [-]
Complete 150 million-year-old sauropod found in China
11/30/2010 [-]
Global warming destroyed rainforests 300 million years ago
11/29/2010 [-]
Researcher explores the evolution of largest mammals over the past 100 million years
11/28/2010 [-]
100 Million year old crocodile revealed
11/25/2010 [-]
100-million-year-old crocodile species discovered in Thailand
11/25/2010 [-]
Hardy bugs could survive a million years on Mars Space Colonization
11/24/2010 [-]
Chile SQM 9-Month Net Profit Vs Million Year Ago
11/22/2010 [-]
A Hunter Discovers A 75 Million Year Old Dinosaur Fossil
11/22/2010 [-]
2.5 million year old tobacco found in Peru
11/21/2010 [-]
33-million-year-old African lizard fossil linked to Komodo Dragon
11/20/2010 [-]
Peruvian diggers find 2.5 million-year-old tobacco
11/18/2010 [-]
Pollen study finds food grasses are 30 million years old
11/16/2010 [-]
YouTube Spotlight Earth 100 Million Years From Now
11/12/2010 [-]
Earth had enough oxygen to start life '400million years earlier than thought'
11/12/2010 [-]
Evolution Began 400 Million Years Early Scientists
11/10/2010 [-]
Oldest Fossil Shrimp Preserved With Muscles Found in Oklahoma, 360 Million Years Old
11/09/2010 [-]
Human Evolution Put Back Three Million Years
11/09/2010 [-]
Human Evolution Put Back 3 Million Years
11/07/2010 [-]
Humans 8 million years old new research claims
11/06/2010 [-]
New statistical model moves human evolution back three million years
11/05/2010 [-]
Human Evolution 3 Million Years Earlier
11/05/2010 [-]
Humans Split from Monkeys 3 Million Years Earlier
11/05/2010 [-]
New statistical model moves human evolution back 3 million years
11/05/2010 [-]
Carbon dioxide outburst spurred warming 40 million years ago
11/04/2010 [-]
Earth goes green 470 million years ago
11/04/2010 [-]
'Snowball Earth' Scenario Plunged Our Planet Into Million-Year Winters
11/02/2010 [-]
One Million-Year-Old African Desert
11/01/2010 [-]
Sand Grains in African Desert 1 Million Years Old
10/29/2010 [-]
200 million-year-old skull helps solve sauropod evolution
10/28/2010 [-]
Ancient Bugs Found in 50-Million-Year-Old Amber
10/27/2010 [-]
How 'Snowball Earth' 630 million years ago changed
10/26/2010 [-]
Insect treasure trove found in 50-million-year-old amber
10/26/2010 [-]
Creepy relics of 50 million years
10/26/2010 [-]
Insects from 50 million years ago found in India
10/26/2010 [-]
50 Million Year-Old Amber Trove Found
10/26/2010 [-]
Frozen in time, 50 million years ago
10/26/2010 [-]
A Hundred 50 Million Year Old Fossils in Amber
10/22/2010 [-]
Evidence Weak For Tropical Rainforest 65 Million Years Ago In Africa's Low Latitudes
10/22/2010 [-]
100 million-year-old dinosaur fossil discovered in Chifeng
10/13/2010 [-]
472 million-year-old plant fossils found in Argentina
10/13/2010 [-]
Fossils suggest earliest land plants were 472 million years old
10/13/2010 [-]
'World's oldest plants' 472 million-year-old fossils are found in Argentina
10/12/2010 [-]
55-million-year-old fossil sheds light on bizarre extinct mammal
10/11/2010 [-]
Polish Dinosaur Footprints 250 Million Years Old
10/10/2010 [-]
A Dinosaur's Ancestor Walked Here...250 Million Years Ago
10/06/2010 [-]
Dinos lived nine million years earlier than thought
10/06/2010 [-]
250million-year-old footprints discovered push back dino evolution by 9million yrs
10/06/2010 [-]
5N Plus quarterly profit grows to million from million year ago
10/01/2010 [-]
5ft tall and red penguin from 36 million years ago
09/29/2010 [-]
Prime Minister Million Yearly Revenue From Mogadishu Harbor Not Acceptable
09/29/2010 [-]
What if your 15 minutes of fame come 3 million years after you die?
09/29/2010 [-]
Hepatitis B Genome Is 19 Million Years Old
09/29/2010 [-]
Hepatitis B virus may be over 19-million-year-old, reveal songbird fossils
09/29/2010 [-]
19-million-year-old genomic fossils of hepatitis B-like viruses in songbirds
09/28/2010 [-]
Researchers find 19 million-year-old genomic fossils of hepatitis B-like viruses in songbirds
09/25/2010 [-]
The 50 million-year-old sunflower fossil
09/24/2010 [-]
Fossil Flower Patagonia 50 Million Year Old Sunflower
09/24/2010 [-]
Sunflowers started 50 million years ago
09/23/2010 [-]
1.9 million-year-old fossil goes on show
09/22/2010 [-]
Fossil bed found in Southern California, dating back to 1.4 million years ago
09/21/2010 [-]
Calif. utility finds 1.4 million-year-old fossils
09/21/2010 [-]
Grizzly-sized sloths in 1.4 million-year-old fossil find
09/21/2010 [-]
Video First Person 1.4 Million-year-old Fossils Found
09/20/2010 [-]
3-million-year-old whale fossil unearthed in CA
09/20/2010 [-]
3-million-year-old whale found at San Diego Zoo
09/19/2010 [-]
50-Million-Year-Old Snake Gets a CT Scan
09/18/2010 [-]
500 million year old fossils discovered on new site
09/17/2010 [-]
Tyrannosaurs Were Human-size for 80 Million Years
09/15/2010 [-]
Frosty Times for Dinosaurs 137 Million Years Ago
09/13/2010 [-]
50 Million Year Old Snake Gets a CT Scan
09/09/2010 [-]
130 million-year-old hunchback, feathered 'camel' dino found in Europe
09/02/2010 [-]
Asteroid! A Major Impact Crater Occurs on Earth Every One Million Years
09/01/2010 [-]
UN Palestinians Lose Million Yearly To Israeli Blockade, Closure
08/31/2010 [-]
The little dragon that terrorised Romania 80 million years ago
08/26/2010 [-]
Solar System May Be 2 Million Years Older
08/26/2010 [-]
Sarah Palin Tweeting to the top in a million year
08/24/2010 [-]
Meteorite nugget pushes back age of the solar system by nearly 2 million years
08/23/2010 [-]
Observatory 85 Million Years Added to Oldest Animal Fossils
08/23/2010 [-]
Now With 2 Million Years More Maturity
08/23/2010 [-]
Now 2 Million Years Older
08/23/2010 [-]
Our Solar System Now With 2 Million Years More Maturity
08/23/2010 [-]
Solar System could be nearly two million years older than thought
08/22/2010 [-]
Solar System May Be 2 Million Years Older Than Thought
08/22/2010 [-]
Solar System now two million years older
08/18/2010 [-]
650-Million-Year-Old Fossils Are Earliest Animal Life, Scientists Say
08/18/2010 [-]
Fossil reveals 48-million-year history of zombie ants
08/18/2010 [-]
Remains Of 650 Million Year Old Animal Life Discovered
08/18/2010 [-]
Scientists find 635-million-year-old animal fossils
08/18/2010 [-]
The 48 Million-Year-Old Fungus That Controls Ants Like Zombies Science
08/18/2010 [-]
Fossilised mind control, 48 million years ago
08/17/2010 [-]
Green taxes could treble by 2020, costing taxpayers £16million a year
08/13/2010 [-]
Sperm Hasn't Changed in 600 Million Years
08/12/2010 [-]
Human Ancestors Used Stone Tools Million Years Earlier
08/12/2010 [-]
Apes used stone tools to kill animals 3.4 million years ago
08/12/2010 [-]
300-million-year old shell fossil found in central China
08/12/2010 [-]
First use of tools pushed back a million years
08/12/2010 [-]
Tools used 3.4 million years ago study
08/11/2010 [-]
85million-year-old fossil of marine predator Mosasaur reveals new secrets
08/11/2010 [-]
Life of 85-Million-Year-Old 'Sea Monster'
08/10/2010 [-]
Mosasaur fossil Life of 85-million-year-old 'sea monster' illuminated
08/10/2010 [-]
Mosasaur fossil at Natural History Museum of L.A. County re-explores 85-million-year-old sea monster
08/10/2010 [-]
Over 445million years old Earth climate recreated
08/08/2010 [-]
365 Million years of evolution
08/05/2010 [-]
Scientists Cat-Like Croc Roamed Africa
08/05/2010 [-]
425million-year-old blob-like ocean creature revealed in a 3-D model
08/05/2010 [-]
100million-year-old cat-like croc fossil found in East Africa
08/05/2010 [-]
The Blob of the Deep 425Million Year Old Creature Revealed
07/30/2010 [-]
Reptiles first conquered dry land 318 million years ago
07/27/2010 [-]
Cybercrime costs firms million yearly
07/24/2010 [-]
77 million years old dino claw prints found in Utah
07/19/2010 [-]
Scientist Find 15 Million Year Old Marsupial Fossil in the Outback
07/19/2010 [-]
Evolution- Common gene for sperm is 600 million years old
07/16/2010 [-]
Mass extinctions take place on Earth every 27 million years
07/16/2010 [-]
Human sperm gene unaltered for 600 million years
07/16/2010 [-]
Human Sperm Gene Is 600 Million Years Old
07/16/2010 [-]
Human sperm gene is 600 million years old, scientists discover
07/15/2010 [-]
Scientists discover human sperm gene is 600 million years old
07/15/2010 [-]
Sperm-making gene 600 million years old
07/15/2010 [-]
Sperm in All Animals Originated 600 Million Years Ago
07/15/2010 [-]
Skulls found in 15 million-year-old cave
07/13/2010 [-]
Life on Earth wiped out every 27 million years
07/13/2010 [-]
Animal Skeleton Believed to Be About a Million Year Old Discovered in Kudofelasi
07/12/2010 [-]
New exhibit traces 65 million years of evolution
07/12/2010 [-]
Life on Earth gets wiped out every 27 million years, say boffins
07/12/2010 [-]
Life on Earth gets wiped out every 27 million years
07/12/2010 [-]
Los Angeles exhibit traces 65 million years of evolution
07/11/2010 [-]
Malaria Parasites Hit Humans 2.5 Million Years Ago
07/01/2010 [-]
After 600 million years, it comes to this
06/29/2010 [-]
Prince Charles saved the taxpayer £1.6 million
06/24/2010 [-]
2-million-year-old fact about extreme climates
06/23/2010 [-]
3.6 Million-Year-Old 'Lucy' Relative Found
06/22/2010 [-]
Human Ancestor 'Lucy' Walked Upright 3.2 Million Years Ago
06/22/2010 [-]
Time to pay
06/16/2010 [-]
Fossilized fig wasp hasn't changed for over 34 million years
06/16/2010 [-]
Ancient fossil shows wasp has not evolved in 34 million years
06/04/2010 [-]
China's Yangtze River 40 million years older than previously thought
06/01/2010 [-]
Devil's Punchbowl took 60 million years to make
05/31/2010 [-]
Palaeontologists Solve Mystery of 500 Million-Year-Old Squid-Like Carnivore
05/31/2010 [-]
New Horned Dinosaur Two-Ton Plant-Eater Lived 78 Million Years Ago in Montana
05/30/2010 [-]
Biologists report how whales changed over 35 million years
05/30/2010 [-]
How whales have changed over 35 million years
05/29/2010 [-]
Fossil of 95-million-year-old pterosaur that fed on baby dinos found
05/29/2010 [-]
Graphic on a 4.4 million year old primate skeleton
05/29/2010 [-]
Friday Squid Blogging 500-Million-Year-Old Squid
05/27/2010 [-]
Questions Over 'Ardi,' Our 4.4-Million-Year-Old Ancestor
05/27/2010 [-]
Questions Raised About 'Ardi,' Man's 4.4-Million-Year-Old Ancestor
05/27/2010 [-]
95-million-year-old pterosaur fossil found in Morocco
05/27/2010 [-]
95-million-year-old bones found of flyer
05/26/2010 [-]
Bleeding Glacier Spews Million-Year-Old Microbes
05/14/2010 [-]
Lucy, 3 million years old, on display at Expo
05/13/2010 [-]
Scientist estimated that the footprints found 'more than 90 million years old'
05/09/2010 [-]
Postal Department lose Rs 2600 million yearly
05/04/2010 [-]
125 million years of Jack Bauer - now that's a lot of data
04/30/2010 [-]
Lawmakers Oil Barrel Tax Hike Will Raise million Yearly
04/28/2010 [-]
Rare 95-million-year-old flying reptile Aetodactylus halli is new pterosaur genus, species
04/24/2010 [-]
Scientists discover primate fossil thatapos;s over 11 million years old
04/24/2010 [-]
Bone-Eating Worms 30 Million Years Old
04/21/2010 [-]
11 Million Years Old Primate Discovered
04/21/2010 [-]
11-Million-Year-Old Primate Discovered in Spain
04/14/2010 [-]
A closer look at 1.9 million-year-old brain
04/12/2010 [-]
The Rewiring Of Gene Regulation Across 300 Million Years Of Evolution
04/09/2010 [-]
Is 2-million-year-old African fossil the missing link in human evolution
04/09/2010 [-]
Boy, 9, finds 2 million-year-old hominid in Africa
04/09/2010 [-]
2-million-year-old fossils offer look at human evolution
04/08/2010 [-]
Meet the two million-year-old boy ancestor
04/08/2010 [-]
Cillit Bang boss pocketed £90million in one YEAR
04/08/2010 [-]
2-million-year-old fossils may help fill key gap in human evolution
04/08/2010 [-]
Two million year old fossils 'could help understanding of how man evolved from apes'
04/08/2010 [-]
2-million-year-old fossils may fill gap in evolution
04/08/2010 [-]
Two million years link a rock and a new species
04/04/2010 [-]
Scientists on tenterhooks as 2-million-year-old skeleton takes a bow
03/28/2010 [-]
Fossil feces point to a shark attack 15 million years ago
03/26/2010 [-]
A 66-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton dubbed 'Samson'
03/25/2010 [-]
110 Million Years Ago, T. Rex Was Everywhere
03/24/2010 [-]
Dinosaur Buried Alive 185 Million Years Ago Uncovered in Utah
03/23/2010 [-]
Marine conditions of Aralar mountain range of 120 million years ago
03/22/2010 [-]
Scientists Discover 425-million-year-old Creature
03/22/2010 [-]
A thesis characterizes marine conditions of Aralar mountain range of 120 million years ago
03/22/2010 [-]
Human ancestors walked comfortably upright 3.6 million years ago, new footprint study says
03/20/2010 [-]
There were 18,500 humans in the world 1.2 million years ago
03/18/2010 [-]
4-Million-Year-Old Killing Is Studied
03/18/2010 [-]
Flores Man Could Be 1 Million Years Old
03/18/2010 [-]
'Hobbits' had million-year history on Indonesian island, suggests new evidence
03/18/2010 [-]
'hobbits' Had Million-year History On Indonesian Island, Suggests New Evidence
03/18/2010 [-]
Human tools found to be one million years old
03/18/2010 [-]
Early humans in Indonesia for 1 million years
03/17/2010 [-]
4 million-year-old shark attack reconstructed
03/17/2010 [-]
Pitt Student Finds 300 Million-year-old Fossil
03/13/2010 [-]
Human Vision Goes Back 600 Million Years
03/12/2010 [-]
600 Million-year-old Origins Of Vision
03/06/2010 [-]
Born again dinosaurs 10 million years younger?
03/06/2010 [-]
Earth's Magnetic Field Is 250 Million Years Older Than Thought
03/05/2010 [-]
Global Glaciation 716.5 Million Years Ago
03/04/2010 [-]
Skeleton Rewrites Dinosaur Story
03/02/2010 [-]
67-Million-Year-Old Fossil Snake Found Eating Baby Dinosaurs
03/02/2010 [-]
67 Million-Year-Old Snake Fossil Found Eating Baby Dinosaurs
02/25/2010 [-]
'Monster croc' feasted on humans 2 million years ago
02/19/2010 [-]
SUV-sized fish swam the Jurassic waters 170 million years ago
02/16/2010 [-]
600 million year old cancer gene discovered
02/10/2010 [-]
165-Million-Year-Old Spider Fossil Preserves Original Features
02/10/2010 [-]
165-Million-Year-Old Spider Fossil Found In China
02/10/2010 [-]
Universe estimated to be 20 million years older than thought
02/10/2010 [-]
Stunningly Preserved 165-Million-Year Old Spider Fossil Foun
02/09/2010 [-]
Steak dinners go back 2.5 million years
02/09/2010 [-]
165 million years old spider fossil found
02/09/2010 [-]
Stunningly Preserved 165-Million-Year Old Spider Fossil Found
02/07/2010 [-]
How land was conquered by plants 480 million years ago
02/07/2010 [-]
SCIENCEbrBird lineage pushed back 60 million years
02/07/2010 [-]
Bird lineage pushed back 60 million years
02/06/2010 [-]
Earliest animal trails found dating back 565 million years
02/02/2010 [-]
How microscopic creatures survive without sex for 50 million years
02/02/2010 [-]
How to Survive Without Sex for 50 Million Years Dry Up
02/01/2010 [-]
“Destroyer” dino ruled the Wild West 75 million years ago
01/29/2010 [-]
A 30-Million-Year-Old Virgin's Secret To Success
01/27/2010 [-]
Sea level data spanning 35 million years pulled from 6,000-foot hole
01/20/2010 [-]
We Almost Went Extinct 1.2 Million Years Ago
01/15/2010 [-]
Abu Dhabi 8 million years ago
01/07/2010 [-]
40 Million-Year-Old Virus Has Infected Human DNA
01/07/2010 [-]
Hubble telescope captures earliest images of universe when it was a 600million-year-old 'baby'
01/06/2010 [-]
Tiktaalik lived around 375 million years ago
01/06/2010 [-]
New York seeks 200 million yearly for September 11 trial
01/06/2010 [-]
Hubble telescope captures earliest images of universe when it was a 600million-years-old 'baby'
12/29/2009 [-]
280-Million-Year-Old Reptiles' Last Meal Preserved
12/23/2009 [-]
Sophisticated human behavior found half-million years earlier than previously thought
12/22/2009 [-]
Evidence of advanced human life half a million years earlier than previously thought
12/22/2009 [-]
Palestinians spend million yearly on settlement goods
12/21/2009 [-]
First-known venomous dinosaur lived 125 million years ago, say scientists
12/08/2009 [-]
Study on land plant fossils shows Paleoasian Ocean disappeared about 251 million years ago
12/07/2009 [-]
Las Vegas gambler with a £77m losing streak in a year
11/30/2009 [-]
Health insurance perks for top state officials costs Floridians million yearly
11/29/2009 [-]
Girl, 9, Finds 100-Million-Year-Old Bone
11/28/2009 [-]
Study Pits Man Versus Machine in Piecing Together 425-Million-Year-Old Jigsaw
11/21/2009 [-]
Prehistoric Jaws Meet the family of crocs that ate dinosaurs 100million years ago
11/16/2009 [-]
Piecing Together 425-Million-Year-Old Jigsaw
11/13/2009 [-]
Million-Year-Old Antarctic Lake To Unveil Billions of Secrets
11/11/2009 [-]
New dinosaur species dating back 200 million years found in South Africa, scientists say
11/09/2009 [-]
The Universe 800 Million Years After the Big Bang 3D Video
11/08/2009 [-]
Seafloor fossils to reconstruct Earth's climates up to 250 million years ago
11/07/2009 [-]
First dino footprints recognized in New Zealand date back to 70 million years
11/05/2009 [-]
Fossil Pushes Tyrannosaurs' Origin Back 10 Million Years
11/05/2009 [-]
Jurassic Start Fossil Pushes Tyrannosaurs' Origin Back 10 Million Years
11/04/2009 [-]
Oldest T. Rex Ancestor Lived 170 Million Years Ago
11/03/2009 [-]
20 million years of CO2 and ice sheet/sea level correlation
10/31/2009 [-]
Oldest Spiderweb Was Laid 140 Million Years Ago
10/31/2009 [-]
112 million year old 'army tank' dino discovered in Montana
10/31/2009 [-]
Fossil hunter finds 140 millionyearold spider's web
10/31/2009 [-]
Oldest known spider webs date back to 140 million years
10/31/2009 [-]
140-million-year-old spider's web discovered frozen in time
10/29/2009 [-]
Climate change, 58 million years, but no evolution
10/28/2009 [-]
T. Rex would have been breakfast for colossal 'sea monster' 150 million years ago
10/26/2009 [-]
Palms grew in ice-free Arctic 50 million years ago study
10/24/2009 [-]
Ethiopia's Climate 27 Million Years Ago Had Higher Rainfall, Warmer Soil
10/22/2009 [-]
CO2 At Highest Level in 15 Million Years Update
10/21/2009 [-]
Tool'making hominins inhabited grassland environments, reveals 2-million-year-old evidence
10/21/2009 [-]
Grassland Toolmakers Two Million Years Ago
10/20/2009 [-]
Scientists create 'family tree' for cows that goes back 29 million years
10/20/2009 [-]
Scientists create 'family tree' for cows that goes back 29 million years
10/20/2009 [-]
Caltech Study CO2 At Highest Level in 15 Million Years
10/16/2009 [-]
How Neotropical rainforests looked 58 million years ago
10/13/2009 [-]
Scientists discover tiniest dino tracks ever dating back 120 million years
10/11/2009 [-]
Last Time Carbon Dioxide Levels Were This High 15 Million Years Ago
10/10/2009 [-]
South Polar Ocean Temps Were Tropical 50 Million Years Ago
10/07/2009 [-]
'Ardi's' 4.4 Million-Year-Old Footsteps Get Modern Day Simulation
10/07/2009 [-]
70-million-year-old evidence of dinosaur cannibalism found
10/07/2009 [-]
Soil Creatures Got Smaller 55 Million Years Ago
10/05/2009 [-]
Global mass extinction 250 million years ago triggered fungus explosion
10/04/2009 [-]
First Ape Woman Meet Your 4.4million-year-old Ancestor
10/04/2009 [-]
Our 4.4 million-year-old granny
10/03/2009 [-]
Scientists Discover Oldest Human Ancestor who Lived 4.4 Million Years Ago
10/03/2009 [-]
Humanity Has New 4.4 Million-Year-Old Baby Mama
10/03/2009 [-]
Algae survived dino-killing mass extinction event 65 million years ago
10/03/2009 [-]
Meet our 4.4 million-year-old sister Ardi
10/02/2009 [-]
4.4-Million-Year-Old Hominid Fossil Found
10/02/2009 [-]
65-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Eggs Found in India
10/02/2009 [-]
New Fossil Moves Story of Mankind Back One Million Years
10/02/2009 [-]
* Ardi takes prehistory of human ancestors back 1 million years
10/01/2009 [-]
Meet Ardi, our 4 million-year-old grandma
10/01/2009 [-]
4.4-Million-Year-Old Fossil Brings Huge Surprises About Human Origins 01 Oct 2009 165634 GMT
10/01/2009 [-]
4.4-Million-Year-Old Fossil Brings Huge Surprises About Human Origins 01 Oct 2009 1742
10/01/2009 [-]
4.4 million-year-old hominid skeleton 'Ardi' discovered in Ethiopia
10/01/2009 [-]
4.4-million-year-old Human Forebear Found in Ethiopia
10/01/2009 [-]
4.4-million-year-old fossil could reshape human origins
10/01/2009 [-]
Meet Ardi, the 4.4-Million-Year-Old Hominid
10/01/2009 [-]
Ardi takes prehistory of human ancestors back 1 million years
10/01/2009 [-]
'Ardi' 4.4 Million-Year-Old Fossil is Oldest Human Ancestor
10/01/2009 [-]
Algae and pollen grains reveal sudden spike in Antarctica's temperature 15.7 million years ago
09/30/2009 [-]
Komodo Dragon most likely evolved in Australia 3-4 million years ago
09/29/2009 [-]
Gang of ancient sharks feasted on 'sea monster' 85 million years ago
09/25/2009 [-]
150-Million-Year-Old Feathered Dinosaur Found
09/18/2009 [-]
Diminutive T. Rex May Have Lived 35 Million Years Earlier
09/14/2009 [-]
Declining CO2 levels helped in Antarctic formation 34 million years ago
09/09/2009 [-]
'Worried well' are wasting £600 million a year on vitamins
09/09/2009 [-]
2 million year old skulls rewrite history of humankind
09/05/2009 [-]
66-million-year-old T-rex dino up for grabs in Las Vegas!
09/04/2009 [-]
Dwarf Star Could Explode In Few Million Years
09/03/2009 [-]
Europe's oldest axes discovered date back to half a million years
08/27/2009 [-]
Evidence Of Iridescence In 40 Million-year-old Feather Fossil
08/26/2009 [-]
Scientists Find Evidence of Iridescence in 40-Million-Year-Old Feather Fossil
08/26/2009 [-]
Iridescence found in 40-million-year-old fossil bird feather
08/26/2009 [-]
Scientists propose Antarctic location for ice sheet that went missing 34 million years ago
08/26/2009 [-]
Scientists find evidence of iridescence in 40 million-year-old feather fossil
08/25/2009 [-]
Lawyer finds 90-million-year-old crocodile fossil
08/25/2009 [-]
Canadian finds 90-million-year-old crocodile fossil
08/22/2009 [-]
Key Feature Of Immune System Survived In Humans, Other Primates For 60 Million Years
08/22/2009 [-]
Tinker the 65 million-year-old T-rex back in court
08/22/2009 [-]
Raquel Welch The Chronicles of Loana
08/20/2009 [-]
Experts Find 150-Million-Year-Old Squid Ink
08/20/2009 [-]
Earliest complex organisms fed by osmosis more than 540 million years ago
08/19/2009 [-]
Scientists draw squid using its 150 millionyearold fossilised ink
08/14/2009 [-]
Five million-year-old toothed whale discovered
08/14/2009 [-]
5 Million-Year-Old Whale Remains on Beach
08/14/2009 [-]
Reformer Illegal immigrants cost Pa. taxpayers million yearly
08/07/2009 [-]
NVIDIA Posts US105.3 Million Year-on-Year Loss in Q2
08/06/2009 [-]
3.2-Million-Year Temperature History from Tiny Fossils
08/05/2009 [-]
300million-year-old spider 'brought back to life'
08/03/2009 [-]
Giant marine worms lived 475 million years ago scientists
08/03/2009 [-]
Worms lived 475 million years ago
08/01/2009 [-]
T. Rex Proteins Survive for 68 Million Years
07/25/2009 [-]
190 million-year- old mammal tracks
07/24/2009 [-]
Mammal tracks from 190 million years ago found
07/24/2009 [-]
Mars, a seething cauldron for 100 million years
07/21/2009 [-]
Amber Ale Brewing Beer from 45-Million-Year-Old Yeast
07/17/2009 [-]
Skull Of Crocodile 100 Million Years Old Unearthed
07/16/2009 [-]
Cannibalism in Europe dates back 1.3 million years, discovery shows
07/16/2009 [-]
30 million year old fossilized mega-dung reveals secret ecology of lost world
07/16/2009 [-]
Skull Of Crocodile 100 Million Years Old
07/14/2009 [-]
400 Million-Year-Old Male Sex Member ID'd
07/13/2009 [-]
Mystery mechanism drove global warming 55 million years ago
07/13/2009 [-]
Asia's 110 million year-old longest dinosaur "resurrected"
07/09/2009 [-]
Massive greening of Earth 700 million years ago triggered off explosive growth of life
07/08/2009 [-]
Mediterranean algae lost their tropical element between 5 and 7 million years ago
07/08/2009 [-]
Amazon River Is 11 Million Years Old
07/08/2009 [-]
The Amazon River Is About 11 Million Years Old
07/05/2009 [-]
Eight-million-year-old elephant fossil remains found in UAE
07/05/2009 [-]
8-million-year-old elephant found in Abu Dhabi
07/03/2009 [-]
Bones from 98-million-year-old Australovenator found in Australia
06/30/2009 [-]
Martian Equator Had Water 2 Million Years Ago
06/26/2009 [-]
Taung child safe for another 2 million years
06/24/2009 [-]
60-million-year old rabbit-sized elephant ancestor found in Morocco
06/23/2009 [-]
54-million-year-old skull may reveal how primates got larger brain
06/23/2009 [-]
Volcanic blasts kicked off modern ice ages 34 million years ago
06/22/2009 [-]
54-million-year-old skull reveals early evolution of primate brains
06/22/2009 [-]
CO2 Concentrations at Their Highest in 2.1 Million Years
06/21/2009 [-]
CO2 Higher Today Than Last 2.1 Million Years
06/19/2009 [-]
06/19/2009 [-]
Current CO2 levels higher than last 2.1 million years
06/19/2009 [-]
CO2 Levels Highest in Two Million Years
06/19/2009 [-]
CO2 at highest level for two million years
06/18/2009 [-]
How to Store Data for a Million Years
06/18/2009 [-]
2-million year old 'mystery' ape fossil evidence of new form of early human
06/17/2009 [-]
Ancient Ice Age lasted for 30 million years
06/16/2009 [-]
Team Investigates The Climate of Planet Earth 440 Million Years Ago
06/16/2009 [-]
Sediment Produces Climate Record For Past Half-Million Years
06/15/2009 [-]
New Study Origin of Laughter 10 to 16 million Years Old
06/13/2009 [-]
Update Archealogists Reveal Discovery of Million-Year-Old Mammoth in Serbia
06/08/2009 [-]
HARRY PHIBBS Misfits and Looney Tunes on £1million a year from the EU
06/06/2009 [-]
Human Laughter Up To 16 Million Years Old
06/05/2009 [-]
Cirque du Soleil founder space-bound Million-year-old mammoth unearthed Hawaiian fish coughs up gold
06/05/2009 [-]
Million-year-old mammoth unearthed
06/05/2009 [-]
Tickled Apes Prove Laughter Is 10 Million Years Old
06/04/2009 [-]
After 16 million years the joke's on us
06/04/2009 [-]
How tickling apes led scientists to trace laughter back 16million years
06/04/2009 [-]
Pre-Human Giggles Laughter Goes Back 10 Million Years
06/04/2009 [-]
Dinosaur Peptides Intact After 80 Million Years
06/04/2009 [-]
Million-year-old mammoth skeleton discovered in Serbia
06/03/2009 [-]
Million-year-old mammoth skeleton found
06/03/2009 [-]
Ghost alps of Antarctica are glimpsed after 14 million years
06/02/2009 [-]
Arctic mammals wintered in darkness 53 million years ago
06/02/2009 [-]
Did an American dinosaur swim over the sea to Skye 170 million years ago
06/02/2009 [-]
53 Million-Year-Old High Arctic Mammals Wintered In Darkness
06/02/2009 [-]
Did an American dinosaur swim over the sea to Skye 170 million years ago?
05/31/2009 [-]
Found The Loch Ness monster... that lived
05/30/2009 [-]
Chinese volcano 260 million years ago led to mass extinction
05/29/2009 [-]
Massive Eruption 225 Million Years Ago Led to Mass Extinction
05/29/2009 [-]
China eruption exterminated marine life 260 million years ago
05/28/2009 [-]
Ancient volcano in China may hold key to mass extinction 260 million years ago
05/27/2009 [-]
Five Million-Year-Old Sloth Unearthed in Peru
05/27/2009 [-]
MPs' expenses hit £100million a year
05/26/2009 [-]
Five million year old fossil found in Cusco
05/26/2009 [-]
Ancient Microbes Found in 100-Million-Year-Old Termite
05/26/2009 [-]
Archaeologists Find 5-Million-Year-Old Sloth Fossil
05/26/2009 [-]
Climate History Of Arctic Illuminated By Study Of 3.6-Million-Year-Old Meteorite Impact Crater In Siberia
05/26/2009 [-]
Five-million-year old sloth fossil found in Peru
05/25/2009 [-]
Editorial Science ... 47 million years to stardom
05/25/2009 [-]
International Team Of Scientists Announces The Discovery Of A Remarkably Complete, 47-Million-Year-Old Primate Fossil
05/23/2009 [-]
47-Million-year-old Fossil Could Shed Light on Primate Family Tree
05/22/2009 [-]
05/20/2009 [-]
Scientists Unveil Missing Link , 47 Million-Year-Old Fossil
05/20/2009 [-]
47 million-year-old fossil remarkably intact
05/20/2009 [-]
Fossil Ancestor of Humans and Primates Is 47 Million Years Old
05/20/2009 [-]
47 million years old and still dazzling
05/20/2009 [-]
Meet your 47-million-year-old ancestor
05/20/2009 [-]
47-million-year-old fossil may provide link to human ancestors - or not
05/20/2009 [-]
Intrigue over 47 million-year-old Ida
05/19/2009 [-]
47-million-year-old 'missing link' revealed
05/19/2009 [-]
Missing link found, early primate fossil 47 million years old
05/19/2009 [-]
47-million-year-old human link revealed
05/19/2009 [-]
47-million-year-old primate fossil unveiled
05/19/2009 [-]
Missing link found? 47-mil
05/19/2009 [-]
05/19/2009 [-]
Ocean Chemistry Changed 530 Million Years Ago
05/12/2009 [-]
Mammals 'Got Milk' for Past 160 Million Years
05/11/2009 [-]
250-million-year volcanic shutdown may have led to 'snowball Earth'
05/06/2009 [-]
Seahorses 'Stood Up' 25 Million Years Ago
05/05/2009 [-]
Shark versus whale, 4 million years BC
05/03/2009 [-]
Dinosaurs 'survived in a remote 'lost world' for half a million years before extinction'
05/03/2009 [-]
Illuminating 53 Million Years Of Climate History
05/02/2009 [-]
Dinosaurs 'survived in a remote 'lost world' for half a million years before extinction'
05/01/2009 [-]
'Protein' in 80-Million-Year-Old Fossil Bolsters Controversial T. rex Claim
04/25/2009 [-]
Haverhill may promote 100 million year old fish
04/21/2009 [-]
Express Scripts CEO has a million year
04/17/2009 [-]
Glacier 'Bleeds' Proof of Million-Year-Old Life-Forms
04/17/2009 [-]
Antarctic Reveals 1.5-Million-Year-Old Microbe Colony
04/17/2009 [-]
Ultra Cold Atoms Power Clock that Loses 1 Second per 300 Million Years
04/17/2009 [-]
Atomic Clock Loses A Second In 300 Million Years
04/17/2009 [-]
Glacier 'Bleeds' Proof of Million-Year-Old Life-Forms
04/11/2009 [-]
Early land creatures borrowed shells for protection around 500 million years back
04/08/2009 [-]
InfuSystem Pays Down Term Loan by Million Year-to-Date
04/04/2009 [-]
Gamma-ray burst may have caused mass extinction 440 million years ago
03/27/2009 [-]
Why Certain Fishes Went Extinct 65 Million Years Ago
03/27/2009 [-]
Why Big Fish Went Extinct 65 Million Years Ago
03/21/2009 [-]
Fossil fragments unravel 500-million-year-old predator
03/21/2009 [-]
Life Was Weird 500 Million Years Ago
03/20/2009 [-]
500 million years old fossil sheds new light on origin of arthropods
03/20/2009 [-]
New Species of 120-Million-year-old Bird Named for UNC Biologist
03/20/2009 [-]
Report 500-million-year-old monster predator not a little 'crab'
03/19/2009 [-]
Fossil Fragments Reveal 500-million-year-old Monster Predator
03/18/2009 [-]
95 million year old fossils reveal earlier origin for modern octopus
03/17/2009 [-]
Oceans were filled with oxygen 700 million years earlier than believed
03/16/2009 [-]
Giant sand worms roamed England 260 million years ago
03/14/2009 [-]
Ancestor of 'Jaws' 4-Million-Year-Old Shark Fossil from Peru
03/13/2009 [-]
Ancestor of “Jaws” 4-Million-Year-Old Shark Fossil from Peru
03/13/2009 [-]
5-million-year-old shark fossil sheds new light on Great White's origins
03/11/2009 [-]
'Dracula' fish lost its teeth about 50 million years ago
03/11/2009 [-]
'Dracula' fish lost its teeth about 50 million years ago
03/11/2009 [-]
Dracula fish lost its teeth about 50 million years ago
03/07/2009 [-]
72 Million Year Old Turtle Fossil Found In Mexico
03/05/2009 [-]
Birdlike dino sat in 'yoga-like pose' 200 million years ago
03/04/2009 [-]
The 300 Million Year Old Brain
03/02/2009 [-]
10-million-year fossillized bird found in Peru
02/28/2009 [-]
1.5-million-year-old footprints in Kenya belonged to hominids
02/28/2009 [-]
REPORTS Early Hominin Foot Morphology Based on 1.5-Million-Year-Old Footprints from Ileret, Kenya
02/28/2009 [-]
Humans Walked On Modern Feet 1.5 Million Years Ago, Fossil Footprints Show
02/28/2009 [-]
The modern human foot walked 1.5 million years ago
02/28/2009 [-]
Footprints prove earliest humans walked 1.5 million years ago
02/28/2009 [-]
Modern feet step back 1.5 million years
02/28/2009 [-]
Fossil of 10 million-year-old bird found in Peru dig site
02/27/2009 [-]
Fossil of 10 million-year-old bird found in Peru
02/27/2009 [-]
1.5-million-year-old human footprints found
02/27/2009 [-]
Walk in the past Scientists find 1.5 million-year-old footprints of human ancestor
02/27/2009 [-]
200 Million-Year-Old Pulsar Remains Active
02/27/2009 [-]
1.5 million-year-old human footprint found
02/27/2009 [-]
35.5 million years old global cooling caused by sharp decline in CO2
02/27/2009 [-]
1.5 Million Year-Old Ancestors Had Modern Stride
02/27/2009 [-]
1.5 million-year-old fossil humans walked on modern feet
02/27/2009 [-]
England prop Stevens to lose half a million after ban
02/26/2009 [-]
1.5 Million-Year-Old Human Footprints Found
02/26/2009 [-]
Sex is 380 million years old
02/25/2009 [-]
Fossil proves sex started 350 million years ago
02/25/2009 [-]
The Origins Of Sex A 380-Million-Year-Old Fact Of Life
02/25/2009 [-]
Sex began 380 million years ago a fossil of a pregnant fish suggests
02/24/2009 [-]
'Dino-killing' meteorite did not start global wildfires 65 million years ago
02/22/2009 [-]
Revealed How Euro MPs pocket more than £1million EACH in five years
02/12/2009 [-]
AAAS Modern obesity epidemic can be traced back two million years
02/12/2009 [-]
Mediterranean Sea Dried Up Five Million Years Ago
02/07/2009 [-]
3-Million-Year-Old Skeleton Gets CT Scan
02/07/2009 [-]
Evidence dates sponges 100 million years earlier than expected
02/06/2009 [-]
Origin Of Claws Seen In Fossil 390 Million Years Old
02/06/2009 [-]
390-Million-Year-Old Fossil Shows Origin Of Claws
02/06/2009 [-]
WAG Zucker re-enacts Raquel Welch's One Million Years BC pose for deodorant ad
02/06/2009 [-]
Scientists find 'missing link' in claw evolution in 390 million-year-old fossil
02/06/2009 [-]
Origin Of Claws In 390-million-year-old Fossil
02/05/2009 [-]
635 million years old sponges were earliest animals on Earth
02/02/2009 [-]
ADB to Help Philippines Save Million Yearly Fuel Cost by Using Energy-Efficient Lights
01/30/2009 [-]
Malaysia says 1.8 million-year-old axes unearthed
01/30/2009 [-]
How Continental Drift Will Change Continents In 120 Million Years
01/29/2009 [-]
Evidence of 1.83 million-year human existence discovered
01/29/2009 [-]
Leggong had early humans 1.8 million years ago
12/24/2008 [-]
25 million-year-old bird fossil found in outback Qld
12/23/2008 [-]
500 million-year-old rocks on Highland beach
12/18/2008 [-]
SA's 2-million-year-old find
12/14/2008 [-]
Japanese schoolgirl finds 130 million-year-old fossil
12/12/2008 [-]
REPORTS A Dynamic Marine Calcium Cycle During the Past 28 Million Years
11/29/2008 [-]
Sturgeons in China may be among last survivors of 130-million-year-old species
11/24/2008 [-]
Same species of dinos roamed UK and US 170 million years ago
11/18/2008 [-]
140 million-year-old dino footprints found
11/17/2008 [-]
Plankton Found in 100-Million-Year-Old Amber
11/17/2008 [-]
Israel Has 2.17 Million Tourists Jan-Oct, Up From 1.72 Million Year Ago
11/15/2008 [-]
1.3 million year old human fossil found in Ethiopia
11/14/2008 [-]
Scientists solve 77-million-year old 'dino fossil' mystery
11/13/2008 [-]
One-of-a-kind find in 100 million year old amber
11/13/2008 [-]
Dinosaur whodunit Solving a 77-million-year-old mystery
11/12/2008 [-]
Czech CSA Airlines 9-Mo Net CZK406 Million Vs CZK563 Million Year Ago
10/29/2008 [-]
Significant Fossil Discovery In Utah Shows Land Plants Of 200 Million Years Ago
10/22/2008 [-]
150-million years-old egg-robbing dinosaur
10/10/2008 [-]
Virtual Fossils from 425 Million-year-old Volcanic Ash
10/02/2008 [-]
3.2 million year-old Lucy on display in Seattle
10/02/2008 [-]
iWitness Slideshow 3.2-Million-Year-Old Lucy Offers Important Piece To Evolution Puzzle
10/01/2008 [-]
Canada's shores saved animals from devastating climate change 252 million years ago
09/30/2008 [-]
Men are safe, for another 300 million years
09/27/2008 [-]
The Legacy Of Humans 100 Million Years AD
09/27/2008 [-]
What legacy would humans leave in the rocks 100 million years hence?
09/27/2008 [-]
What legacy would humans leave in the rocks 100 million years hence
09/26/2008 [-]
Fossil fueled beer? 45 million year-old yeast used to craft new ale
09/25/2008 [-]
Now, beer made from 45 million year old yeast
09/22/2008 [-]
650-Million-Year-Old Reef May Offer Evolution Clues
09/22/2008 [-]
A slight aftertaste ... 45 million years later
09/22/2008 [-]
Million year old camel bone discovered in Syrian desert
09/22/2008 [-]
A reef, 650 million years old
09/22/2008 [-]
Found A reef, 650 million years old
09/22/2008 [-]
Fish fingers existed 380 million years ago
09/20/2008 [-]
60-million-year-old croc skeleton found
09/18/2008 [-]
60-million-year-old croc skeleton found in ND
09/18/2008 [-]
Three Million Years Ago, Greenland was Ice-Free
09/16/2008 [-]
Scientists discover 120 million year-old ant
09/16/2008 [-]
German scientists discover 120 million year-old ant
09/16/2008 [-]
Million-Year-Old Camel Bone Unearthed In Syria 15 Sep 2008 225524 GMT
09/15/2008 [-]
One million-year-old camel jawbone find may shed light on animal's evolution
09/15/2008 [-]
Colorado to spend 1.5 million yearly to protect streams
09/13/2008 [-]
Million-year-old jawbone from tiny camel species discovered in Syria desert, scientists say
09/13/2008 [-]
Million-year-old camel bone found in Syria
09/13/2008 [-]
Million-year-old camel bone found
09/13/2008 [-]
Million-year-old camel bone unearthed in Syria
09/11/2008 [-]
UK Gov Prog To Cost GBP300 Million Year
09/06/2008 [-]
Supercontinent Pangaea pushed, not sucked, into place 300 million years ago
08/30/2008 [-]
Samsung Omnia Is No iPhone Killer, Not In a Million Years
08/28/2008 [-]
80-million-year-old fossil unearthed in W Canada
08/27/2008 [-]
Manitoba dig uncovers 80-million-year-old sea creature
08/22/2008 [-]
100 million-year-old galactic mystery solved by Hubble
08/22/2008 [-]
Hubble Space Telescope Solves 100 Million Year Puzzle
08/21/2008 [-]
Astronomers solve 100 million-year-old galactic mystery
08/21/2008 [-]
And finally, 100 million-year-old galactic mystery solved by Hubble
08/08/2008 [-]
Tiny teeth of 55-million-year-old primate found
08/08/2008 [-]
Miners Find 2.5 Million-Year-Old Mammoth Skeleton
08/08/2008 [-]
2.5 million-year-old mastodon unearthed in Romania
08/03/2008 [-]
Tropical Regions Felt The Chill 300 Million Years Ago
08/01/2008 [-]
Cold Gripped Tropics 300 Million Years Ago
08/01/2008 [-]
Cold temperatures episodically gripped tropical regions 300 million years ago
07/30/2008 [-]
80-Million-Year-Old Fish Found In Rock Not Another Tall Tale
07/29/2008 [-]
Garden stone turns out to be an 80-million-year-old fossil!
07/29/2008 [-]
Antarctica did not have ice 40 million years ago
07/29/2008 [-]
No ice on Antarctica 40 million years ago
07/29/2008 [-]
How a rockery stone turned out to be an 80 million-year-old fossil
07/27/2008 [-]
Hubble Spies Stars That Existed When The Universe Was Only 700 Million Years Old
07/25/2008 [-]
Insects found in 110-million-year-old amber in Spain
07/20/2008 [-]
Blood ties forge empire of 650 million yearly revenue
07/18/2008 [-]
Volcanic Eruptions May Have Wiped Out Ocean Life 94 Million Years Ago
07/18/2008 [-]
Volcanic Eruptions Wiped Out Ocean Life 94 Million Years Ago
07/16/2008 [-]
Scientists discover 'world's first bird' that lived 235million years ago
07/15/2008 [-]
Scientists discover 'world's first bird' that lived 235million years ago
07/15/2008 [-]
Marsupials and humans shared same genetic imprinting 150 million years ago
07/14/2008 [-]
Dinos may have sped from Scotland to North America 165 million years ago
07/14/2008 [-]
130 Million Years of Belum, Let
07/14/2008 [-]
130 Million Years of Belum, Let's Keep It Around Longer
07/05/2008 [-]
Two-ton, 500 Million-year-old Fossil Of Stromatolite Discovered In Virginia, U.S
07/04/2008 [-]
Major Indian basins are 500 million years older than previously believed
07/02/2008 [-]
Evolutionary Origin Of Mammalian Gene Regulation Is Over 150 Million Years Old
07/02/2008 [-]
After 200 million years, all-male future spells doom for reptiles
06/25/2008 [-]
A 370-million-year-old skull and shoulder bone from a walking fish has been found
06/20/2008 [-]
Earth may have supported life 100 million years earlier than previously believed
06/19/2008 [-]
Quadrupling of genes over 550 million years behind vertebrate evolution
06/18/2008 [-]
Paleontologists Dig Up 150-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur, but What Does It Take to Find Fossils?
06/10/2008 [-]
McCain & the Republican Insitute Promoting Iraqi Occupation for 'a Million Years'
06/09/2008 [-]
Tetrapod Burrow Dated to 245 Million Years Ago
06/09/2008 [-]
245 Million-Year-Old Animal Burrows Of Land Vertebrates Found In Antarctica
06/09/2008 [-]
Fossilized Burrows 245 Million Years Old Suggest Lizard-like Creatures In Antarctica
06/08/2008 [-]
245 Million Years Old Fossilized Burrows Suggest Lizard-like Creatures Antarctica
06/08/2008 [-]
Scientists find 245 million-year-old burrows of land vertebrates in Antarctica
06/06/2008 [-]
Global Excerpts 375-million-year-old fish; gun control in Toronto
05/30/2008 [-]
375 million-year-old fossil of 'mother fish' discovered
05/28/2008 [-]
Runaway Global Warming 635 Million Years Ago
05/28/2008 [-]
Fossil captures 380-million-year-old live birth
05/17/2008 [-]
Parrots Found Dating Back 55 Million Years
05/17/2008 [-]
Parrot Fossil 55 Million Years Old Discovered In Scandinavia
05/13/2008 [-]
Family Guy creator gets 100 million year
05/07/2008 [-]
Asteroid Impact 65 Million Years Ago Triggered A Global Hail Of Carbon Beads
05/06/2008 [-]
65-million-year-old asteroid impact triggered a global hail of carbon beads
05/03/2008 [-]
Solar system 'bounce' may have led to dino extinction 65 million years ago
05/01/2008 [-]
130-Million-Year-Old Dung Sells for 960
05/01/2008 [-]
130-million-year-old poop sells for 960
04/23/2008 [-]
Solar System Stable for the Next 40 Million Years
04/15/2008 [-]
NC study finds biological material dating back 253 million years
04/13/2008 [-]
Britain was the real Jurassic Park 140 million years ago
04/13/2008 [-]
Britain was the real Jurassic Park 140 million years ago
04/11/2008 [-]
Exxon CEO Had a 16.7 Million Year
04/10/2008 [-]
Grand Canyon formed more than 50 million years earlier than previously thought
04/08/2008 [-]
Smoking to Kill 8 Million Yearly by 2030
04/02/2008 [-]
Scientists discover 356 animal inclusions in 100 million years old opaque amber
03/31/2008 [-]
New geological age similar to 65 million year old mass extinction event
03/31/2008 [-]
A Darwin's Look into The Next Million Years